Open serj-kzv opened 6 years ago
I use the code for a high compressed lz4 file
let uncompressedSize = LZ4.decodeBlock(file, uncompressedFile); // error, value is less than zero
but value is negative (below zero :) ) Is that error or I do something wrong?
File is compressed by liblz4-tool. I used ubuntu package.
sudo apt install liblz4-tool lz4 -z -9 test.txt
UPD I have to say that uncompressing itself works well. If I cut off last zeros manually instead of using uncompressedSize then all is fine. And file is uncompressed correctly.
I use the code for a high compressed lz4 file
but value is negative (below zero :) ) Is that error or I do something wrong?
File is compressed by liblz4-tool. I used ubuntu package.