pierredavidbelanger / chatter-bot-api

A Mono/.NET, JAVA, Python and PHP chatter bot API that supports Cleverbot, JabberWacky and Pandorabots.
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Problem with Jabberwacky #19

Closed Carleslc closed 7 years ago

Carleslc commented 8 years ago

Hello, With this code:

ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory();
try {
    ChatterBot bot = factory.create(ChatterBotType.JABBERWACKY, null);
    ChatterBotSession botSession = bot.createSession();
    String ans = botSession.think("something");
} catch (Exception e) {}

String ans always is:

"if(ob== null||cc==0) return true;if(cc==13||cc==3){uniEsc1();ob.form.submit()};return true;}"

Debugging the code the problem is on Cleverbot.class:97, that is:

responseThought.setText(Utils.stringAtIndex(responseValues, 16));

It can be solved changing the text set to:

UtilsBotURL.stringAtIndex(responseValues, 50).replaceAll("\\<[^<>]*\\>", "")

However, this is an ugly solution. I hope your answers.


pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

Hi. My Jabberwacky integration is not working properly since a couple months now. I will have a look at your workaround. Thank you !

Derpolino commented 8 years ago

And for Python ? :X

pierredavidbelanger commented 7 years ago

I will close this issue, I will not support Jabberwacky any more. From what I was told (by the Cleverbot guys) Jabberwacky is just an old, slow and buggy precursor of Cleverbot.