pierredavidbelanger / chatter-bot-api

A Mono/.NET, JAVA, Python and PHP chatter bot API that supports Cleverbot, JabberWacky and Pandorabots.
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Problem with two bots #21

Closed Zephyrrus closed 8 years ago

Zephyrrus commented 8 years ago

Creating two or more cleverbot sessions will make the first one never answer any requests and freeze that thread (then the POST request times out)

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

This seems strange. What language are you using ? Also, are you sure you are using the latest version of the lib ? Do you have a small bit of code that you can show me to replicate the problem ?

Zephyrrus commented 8 years ago

I'm using .NET, in my own code I have several instances of a class with a bot in each class and a single factory, but I replicated the bug in the example too, it freezes at line 75 in cleverbot.cs and some minutes later it throws: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll. Additional information: The operation has timed out".

ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory();
ChatterBot bot1 = factory.Create(ChatterBotType.CLEVERBOT);
ChatterBotSession bot1session = bot1.CreateSession();

ChatterBot bot2 = factory.Create(ChatterBotType.CLEVERBOT);
ChatterBotSession bot2session = bot2.CreateSession();

After the first Hi (which is not from any of the bots), as soon as

s = bot2session.Think(s);

is called, it freezes.

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate.

When you say

it freezes at line 75 in cleverbot.cs

Is this cleverbot.cs file in your project or in my lib ?

Because, my line 75 in Cleverbot.cs from the master branch, is not supposed to throw System.Net.WebException, it is only a simple Split().

So, I guess, you maybe not using the latest version of my .NET code lib.

Are you able to copy/paste me a stacktrace of your exception ?

Thank you.

Zephyrrus commented 8 years ago

It's on line 73

var response = Utils.Post(url, vars, cookies);

and I cloned the libs yesterday again so it's the latest one. This is the exception and the stacktrace and IntelliTrace call stack.

A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll

Stack Trace from exception details:

   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   at ChatterBotAPI.Utils.Post(String url, IDictionary`2 parameters, CookieCollection cookies) in d:\GIT\chatter-bot-api-master\dotnet\ChatterBotAPI\Utils.cs:line 98
   at ChatterBotAPI.CleverbotSession.Think(ChatterBotThought thought) in d:\GIT\chatter-bot-api-master\dotnet\ChatterBotAPI\Cleverbot.cs:line 75
   at ChatterBotAPI.CleverbotSession.Think(String text) in d:\GIT\chatter-bot-api-master\dotnet\ChatterBotAPI\Cleverbot.cs:line 113
   at ChatterBotAPITest.MainClass.Main(String[] args) in d:\GIT\chatter-bot-api-master\dotnet\ChatterBotAPITest\Main.cs:line 39
   at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()


Call Stack for "Debugger:Stopped at Exception: GetRequestStream"
    ChatterBotAPI.dll!ChatterBotAPI.Utils.Post(string url = {unknown}, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,string> parameters = {unknown}, System.Net.CookieCollection cookies = {unknown})   C#
    ChatterBotAPI.dll!ChatterBotAPI.CleverbotSession.Think(ChatterBotAPI.ChatterBotThought thought = {unknown}) C#
    ChatterBotAPI.dll!ChatterBotAPI.CleverbotSession.Think(string text = {unknown}) C#
    ChatterBotAPITest.exe!ChatterBotAPITest.MainClass.Main(string[] args = {unknown})   C#

Call Stack for "Debugger:Exception Intercepted"
    ChatterBotAPI.dll!ChatterBotAPI.Utils.Post(string url, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,string> parameters, System.Net.CookieCollection cookies) Line 98   C#
    ChatterBotAPI.dll!ChatterBotAPI.CleverbotSession.Think(ChatterBotAPI.ChatterBotThought thought) Line 75 C#
    ChatterBotAPI.dll!ChatterBotAPI.CleverbotSession.Think(string text) Line 113    C#
    ChatterBotAPITest.exe!ChatterBotAPITest.MainClass.Main(string[] args) Line 39   C#

Also is clever bot's 'api' dead or they changed the way how it works ?

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

It may be Windows that mess with line numbers, but as far as I can understand those stacktrace, you are not using the latest version of the lib.

Just to be sure, can you open your file


And tel me what is at line 61 (the last expression at the end of the CleverbotSession constructor) ?

If you are not seeing this line:

cookies = Utils.GetCookies(baseUrl);

it means your git clone went wrong somehow, and you are not using the latest version.

There was a commit some weeks ago that fixes a problem with the .NET cookies handling that may be the cause of your issue.

Let me know, we will find a solution. Thank you

Zephyrrus commented 8 years ago

Looks like my VS tries to fix the line spacing and that's why everything is pushed down 2 lines for me. I have that line at the end of CleverbotSession constructor. For you it works to create two cleverbots in the same program ?

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

I honestly didn't tried to reproduce the problem since I was sure your where not using the latest version, but now you made me doubtful.

If you only take the test program and change the line 32 to use a CLEVERBOT instead of a PANDORABOTS, are you able to reproduce the problem ?

If you do, I will try the same, and start looking for a solution.

As far as I know, Cleverbot did not change. The other languages are working.

Zephyrrus commented 8 years ago

Cleverbot servers had some issues for some minutes, they're back now.

Here's a screenshot image showing that I have cloned the latest commit and I am using your code with the C# example. Also yes, the same happens if I try to use the example with two cleverbots, maybe I should move to python if it works in that version.

Edit: In python 2.7 it works for me, but I prefer writing programs in C#

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedbacks. I has able to also reproduce the problem. I will try to find a fix.

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

Good news, I may have found a fix (it fixes the problem on my side).

It turns out I was too noob in .NET to correctly dispose of the streams! Also, the problem in this issue may be the fact that I was not correctly reading all the response when I read the cookies, this can hang the other requests (they are in a kind of reusable pool), I had the same problem on an unrelated Java program not so long ago, using Apache HttpClient.

Anyways, if you have some spare time, maybe you could test it on your side, since I am not using Microsoft .NET, but Mono on OSX.

Mono JIT compiler version 4.0.0 ((detached/d136b79 Mon Apr 13 14:40:59 EDT 2015)
Zephyrrus commented 8 years ago

It works now, only that sometimes it returns a 403 error if you let two cleverbots talk with each other. I think it can detect that it's two bots talking with each other, because it also send weird replies sometimes like "I think you want to talk to cleverbot really".

Example convo between two bots:

Do you like Cleverbot?
bot1> Do you hold out hope for a better time?
bot2> The only better time I can think of is mankind ceasing to exist.
You seem a bit too botlike for me.
bot2> I am Cleverbot.
bot1> No. Are you British?
Confuse friends who text you with our free Clevermessage app for Android!
Cleverbot in your pocket! Try our apps!
Automate your texting with Clevermessage for Android! A free app!
bot1> This is silly.
Do you like Cleverbot?
Do you like Cleverbot?
I think you want to talk to Cleverbot really...
bot1> What would you like to talk about?
Want a fight!? Try the free ANGRY DUDE iOS app!

But that doesn't really need to be fixed, thanks a lot for fixing the other bug.

pierredavidbelanger commented 8 years ago

Thanks to you for your input. I close this issue.