pierreguillot / Camomile

An audio plugin with Pure Data embedded that allows to load and to control patches
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AU Validation for MIDI-only Plugin #296

Open TDLemon8 opened 2 years ago

TDLemon8 commented 2 years ago

I wrote a trivial "midionly" plugin today (remapping of three midi notes to other keys) as Audio Unit; everything worked fine in Pd, but Mainstage / Logic Pro X refused to validate it (ERROR: -10877 IN CALL Get Output Format). After much googling and many hours, inspired by #166 and by this page, I tried and opened the Info.plist and changed the plugin type from "aumf" (kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect) to "aumi" (kAudioUnitType_MIDIProcessor), and that seemed to have solved the matter.

Maybe it would be a good idea to include a condition during the plugin generation, for example: if type = effect and midionly = true, then AU type = aumi instead of aumf.

Anyway, this project is wonderful! Kudos and thank you for the effort!

BTW, my environment: Mac OSX 10.13.6, Mainstage 3.2.4, Camomile 1.0.7

aronco206 commented 2 years ago

Hey, just wanted to say I've been having this exact same issue! I was trying a couple years ago to figure this out and ended up giving up... I just saw this post and tried it and it worked perfectly. For some reason my plugin was generating with the AU type set to aumu instead of aumf? I'm not sure what the aumu type is supposed to be, if you have any ideas? But anyway I did exactly what you said and changed the AU type to aumi in the info.plist and it worked. Thank you SO much for posting this!