pierremolinaro / acan2515

MCP2515 CAN Controller Driver for Arduino
MIT License
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ESP32 crashes when irq pin set to -1 and inInterruptServiceRoutine is NULL #40

Open ElektroBOXua opened 1 year ago

ElektroBOXua commented 1 year ago

When there are no IRQ pin specified, acan2515 requires inInterruptServiceRoutine to be NULL

There is no check for mINT != 255 thus this task is still created

    #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32
      xTaskCreate (myESP32Task, "ACAN2515Handler", 1024, this, 256, NULL) ;

It also seems that 1024 is not enough stack size for the task on my esp32 because i've got stack cannary watchpoint triggered before noticing the main issue(Probably stack overflow).

After i fixed the problem it appeared that attachMCP2515InterruptPin attaches NULL to -1 pin which causes crash.

  static void myESP32Task (void * pData) {
    ACAN2515 * canDriver = (ACAN2515 *) pData ;
    while (1) {
      canDriver->attachMCP2515InterruptPin () ;
      xSemaphoreTake (canDriver->mISRSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY) ;
      bool loop = true ;
      while (loop) {
        loop = canDriver->isr_core () ;

I tried to remove iterrupt task at all, but then i noticed that there are no mechanisms to poll messages, so it would not work anyway.

I didn't look more throught the code, so i am curious how to use this library without an IRQ pin on ESP32?

ElektroBOXua commented 1 year ago

Oh, i have found a solution for the issue by replacing:

  void ACAN2515::attachMCP2515InterruptPin (void) {
    attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (mINT), mInterruptServiceRoutine, ONLOW) ;


  void ACAN2515::attachMCP2515InterruptPin (void) {
    if (mINT != 255) {
    attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (mINT), mInterruptServiceRoutine, ONLOW) ;

Also i've noticed that there's a poll function, which is actually what i've needed. Issue can be closed.