pierrepo / PBxplore

A suite of tools to explore protein structures with Protein Blocks :snake:
MIT License
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Update CI to GitHub Actions #176

Closed HubLot closed 3 years ago

HubLot commented 3 years ago

Remove travis and move to GitHub Actions for continous integration.

HubLot commented 3 years ago

Python 2.7 and 3.4 have to be dropped from the CI due to deprecated versions: packages can't be installed anymore on those versions

pierrepo commented 3 years ago

OK, this is in line with PR #175

HubLot commented 3 years ago

Changes complete for GitHub Actions.

Currently, some tests are skipped and doc is failing because of the changes in the Weblogo import name (stated in PR #175). Once resolved, everything run smoothly.

pierrepo commented 3 years ago

@HubLot should I merge this PR first (before #175)?

HubLot commented 3 years ago

@pierrepo You should merge #175 first and then this one. Otherwise, a merged conflict will arise about the travis file.

pierrepo commented 3 years ago

OK. So let's try not to break the internet then!

pierrepo commented 3 years ago

CI from Travis has been disabled.