pierrepo / PBxplore

A suite of tools to explore protein structures with Protein Blocks :snake:
MIT License
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Mac #30

Closed alexdb27 closed 8 years ago

alexdb27 commented 9 years ago


Bon quelques pépins spécifiques de test sous Mac.

jbarnoud commented 9 years ago

We should document how to install the dependancies. I will do it once the install protocol for PBxplore is stabilized (see #21 and #22).

Hint: one should use pip to install the dependancies:

pip install mdanalysis weblogo  # system wide install
pip install --user mdanalysis weblogo  # local install for the current user

Even better, look at virtualenv.

alexdb27 commented 9 years ago

pip pour Linux cela marche pour weblogo ??

sous mac, j'ai du passé par MacPorts, un peu long (5 heures) et pleins de problèmes ... mais bon cela marche maintenant ...(enfin j'arrive au même bug que sous Linux)

On a une idée de test sous Windows ou il faut un truc style Cygwin ?

jbarnoud commented 9 years ago

A priori il n'y a pas de soucis à installer weblogo avec pip sous linux, mais je n'ai rien pour tester sous la main. Il faut être root pour l'installer au niveau du système mais l'option --user de pip permet d'installer des paquets sans droit particulier.

Je ne sais pas comment utiliser le PBxplore sous windows. Ça devrait être possible de l'utiliser depuis la commande DOS sans utiliser cygwin. Mais je ne connais pas assez windows pour te dire comment faire.

alexdb27 commented 9 years ago

So test ok for mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.1, Python 2.7.6, R 3.1.1. weblogo 3.3 (exactly same results than for Linux)

alexdb27 commented 9 years ago

I've seen on http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/install.html#install ... about Enthought Python Distribution (EPD)

MacOS There are various ways to install Theano dependencies on a Mac. Here we describe the process in detail with EPD, Anaconda or with MacPorts, but if you did it differently and it worked, please let us know the details on the theano-users mailing-list, so that we can add alternate instructions here.

In academia: Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) If you are working in academia, the easiest way to install most of the dependencies is to install Enthought Python Distribution (EPD). If you are affiliated with a university (as student or employee), you can download the installer for free.

EPD installation includes in particular Python (and the development headers), NumPy, SciPy, nose, sphinx, easy_install, pydot (but not Graphviz, which is necessary for it to work) and the MKL implementation of blas. The Mac OS and Linux version do not include g++.

jbarnoud commented 8 years ago

I split this issue in #101 and #102 to have only one issue per topic.