pierreyoda / micropolis-rs

The classic Micropolis (Sim City 1) game rewritten in Rust and React, with WebAssembly support.
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What's the status? #14

Open liamoc opened 3 years ago

liamoc commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm the author of the Micro Entertainment Pack a collection of games written in Rust using my tesserae tile graphics library.

I was thinking it would be super cool to write a port of micropolis using an interface from my library, and I found that you seem to have already ported it to Rust!

What's the status of this project? Would I be able to take the micropolis_core crate, add an interface and have the full simcity experience? Or is there still more work to be done?

pierreyoda commented 3 years ago

Hi liamoc, thank you for your interest !

I'd say the micropolis_core crate is about 60% complete, I'm actively working on it whenever I can.

I would definitely be exited by another interface, I'm personally working on one with React and Next.js.

liamoc commented 3 years ago

Great! I am starting to work on a frontend now. Perhaps a silly question: What's the top-level structure I should use for the entire game state? At first I thought it was perhaps City, but the only constructor for this creates a City with an entirely blank map of dirt. Then I saw the MicropolisCoreInterfacer structure but that requires a MicropolisCoreOptions structure which has non-public fields and no constructor. So I'm a bit unsure where to begin. My intuition says that I should be able to run a map generator and start a city on a random map, then extract the TileMap and start drawing, but I'm stumbling on the first part. Any suggestions?

pierreyoda commented 3 years ago

Yes the initialisation story is not quite there yet, I would definitely like to offer a builder pattern accessible from the WASM interface. I will create an issue to do just this.

liamoc commented 3 years ago

Great! I will follow progress closely.