It looks like the Ambilight is working fine but it keeps spamming at:
if (huePorts.huePorts[currentLed.device].isEnabled)
+ Exception Exception thrown: 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' in HueLight+.exe ("De index ligt buiten de matrixgrenzen.") System.IndexOutOfRangeException
After startup:
Randomly blinks lights and then they go black again and does absolutely nothing besides that
When i turn on multithreading:
Still randomly blinks lights but amblight does work
Sorry if this was a bad description im quite new to C#.
One ting i noticed
The config.json did not load properly at first untill i changed it to this: (i use vistual studio 2017 with the newest windows 10).
` private void SetupAmbiLight()
dynamic config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText("config.json"));
bool formIsHidden = config["startsHidden"];
double gamma = config["gamma"];
AmbiLight.multiThreading = config["multiThreading"];
AmbiLight.scanDepth = config["scanDepth"];
AmbiLight.pixelsToSkipPerCoordinate = config["pixelsToSkipPerCoordinate"];
AmbiLight.delay = config["delay"];
AmbiLight.frameTimeout = config["frameTimeout"];
AmbiLight.previewMode = config["preview"];
HuePorts huePorts = new HuePorts(config["devices"].ToObject<Device[]>(), gamma);
ScreenSide right = new ScreenSide(config["ambiLight"]["right"]["screenRegions"].ToObject<ScreenRegion[]>(), Direction.Right);
ScreenSide left = new ScreenSide(config["ambiLight"]["left"]["screenRegions"].ToObject<ScreenRegion[]>(), Direction.Left);
ScreenSide top = new ScreenSide(config["ambiLight"]["top"]["screenRegions"].ToObject<ScreenRegion[]>(), Direction.Top);
ScreenSide bottom = new ScreenSide(config["ambiLight"]["bottom"]["screenRegions"].ToObject<ScreenRegion[]>(), Direction.Bottom);
ScreenSide[] screenSides = new ScreenSide[] { top, right, bottom, left };
ambiLight = new AmbiLight(screenSides, formIsHidden, huePorts, previewImage);
Logger.Add("Loaded AmbiLight from config.json");
Tings as config.startsHidden did not work for me but config["startsHidden"] did work.
I have 2 channels 1: 4 strips 2: 2 strips
It looks like the Ambilight is working fine but it keeps spamming at: if (huePorts.huePorts[currentLed.device].isEnabled)
+ Exception Exception thrown: 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' in HueLight+.exe ("De index ligt buiten de matrixgrenzen.") System.IndexOutOfRangeException
After startup: Randomly blinks lights and then they go black again and does absolutely nothing besides that
When i turn on multithreading: Still randomly blinks lights but amblight does work
Sorry if this was a bad description im quite new to C#.
One ting i noticed
The config.json did not load properly at first untill i changed it to this: (i use vistual studio 2017 with the newest windows 10).
Tings as config.startsHidden did not work for me but config["startsHidden"] did work.