Closed eminence closed 5 years ago
Thank you. Can you confirm this is not an issue for the full disks?
I had a series of packets that didn't contain meso's and I assumed it would be the same for them.
yes, it seems the full discs are fine. in a different debugging session, i also extracted the lrit filename as OR_ABI-L2-CMIPM1-M6C02_G16_s20191360506385_e20191360506442_c20191360506509.lrit
which is channel 02 of M1 i think
Added another commit that falls back on extracting the channel from the filename.
Cool, looking good. I've successfully downloaded the full set of products (goes16 fd/m1/m2, plus goes17/fd).
But I've also noticed that the channel name is again being set to an integer, and not "N/A".
The last file that I downloaded with a "N/A" channel was OR_ABI-L2-CMIPF-M6C13_G16_s20191361230342_e20191361240062_c20191361240137.lrit
and the first image that had a valid channel name was OR_ABI-L2-CMIPF-M6C08_G16_s20191361230342_e20191361240050_c20191361240127.lrit
. So maybe this was a temporary ground station glitch?
Great, thanks for the confirmation.
I pinged Seth at NOAA about this issue and it turns out this was caused by a GOES-16 failover to a backup system that was already running a newer version of the PDA software. He then switched back to the primary running an older version which made the Channel = N/A
disappear again.
Also see the big thread on the goestools-users mailing list here.
Good info, thanks. I had seen the goestools-users mailing list, but struggled to participate. In that thread you linked there are 2 messages that are marked as "This message has been deleted" -- that was me trying to post. Do you see anything on your end about this?
Either way, this issue now seems pretty well solved, so I'll close this.
Hmm -- I didn't see those messages. I haven't heard of issues with this mailing list before.
Did your subscription go through?
Following up to the comments in 96dc5544290e6f2742564a8795b960103a09a513 with an issue for better visibility.
can be zero, which is tripping up the assertion. Here's the wholenlh