pieterprovoost / quantr

R package for fetching financials and stock market data
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401 error #7

Open brettryder opened 1 year ago

brettryder commented 1 year ago

As of about a day ago, attempts to use quantr to download yahoo financial data leads to an HTTP status was '401 Unauthorized' error

Examples include:

yahoo_financials("F") yahoo_summary("APPL")

Error in purrr::map(): ℹ In index: 1. Caused by error in open.connection(): ! cannot open the connection to 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/APPL?modules=defaultKeyStatistics,financialData,price,quoteType,summaryDetail' Run rlang::last_trace() to see where the error occurred. Warning message: In open.connection(con, "rb") : cannot open URL 'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/APPL?modules=defaultKeyStatistics,financialData,price,quoteType,summaryDetail': HTTP status was '401 Unauthorized'

goodyonsen commented 1 year ago

Same here. ChatGPT suggested to get API but I don't think that's the problem. I hope Pieter solves the issue soon because I really like using this library.