pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
354 stars 21 forks source link

I included invidious.snopyta.org #18

Closed i27i13 closed 3 years ago

i27i13 commented 3 years ago

I am an amateur! I do not know how to code! I only got the thumbnails to "change"! Do not know how to get the video titles to work/change! I hate all thumbnails and for me to get your extension to work on that site is enough for me!

This is only for people that needed something for invidious.snopyta.org/

pietervanheijningen commented 3 years ago

Good job changing the code to work for that site :D, Looks like you did break the functionality on youtube though. It did give me an idea, where I could maybe make a system where you can manually add invidious domains to make the extension work on there.