pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
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Capitalize Words not removing CAPS #33

Open girstenbrei opened 3 years ago

girstenbrei commented 3 years ago

Hey there, first: awesome work! Short, concise add-on doing exactly one thing and one thing right.

The only thing I found was the following: the Capitalize Words options doesn't de-caps words for me. Technically it does what it says, giving words a capital first letter. But (at least in my mind šŸ˜„) I assumed, this would be followed by all lowercase. I appended you an example of the two settings and their respective results. A small but related thing: I noticed that one letter 'words' are also capitalized. True to the setting, but IMHO these are always fill and it might be visually easier to flow through a title, if these short letters, if already lowercase, stay lowercase. Gives the eye some vertical markers as a reference.

But, for both points I'm happy to be convinced otherwise!

I'm running v0.4.1 of the add-on on a 83.0 (64-bit) Firefox.

Thanks for the add-on again! Can I help you with anything else (apart from implementing it, sorry, don't now how to do it and out of time atm ...)

Greets, Chris

Cap Words Dont change

pietervanheijningen commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing it out!

Yes indeed it's supposed to first make everything lowercase, and then capitalise each word. This is what it does in chrome, but apparently the same code works differently in firefox. I'll see if I can fix it sometime, but I can't guarantee that its fixable, i'm currently only changing the titles using CSS, which works great, but is very limited in what I can do. Adding capitalise words to the extension was already a very hacky solution, that only barely works as it is.

mimmiechan commented 2 years ago

Does not seem to be possible with pure CSS. Unless, perhaps you use some illegal string replacement hack.

sKopheK commented 3 months ago

this is very much needed