pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
354 stars 21 forks source link

Safari Extension #34

Open Casuallynoted opened 3 years ago

Casuallynoted commented 3 years ago

I thought I’d throw in the idea of a Safari extension that does the same, since it’s supported in Firefox and Chrome. Would be great for those folks who use Safari.

pietervanheijningen commented 3 years ago

Well, to publish safari extensions you need to enroll in the apple developer program, which costs $99/year. Which isn't really worth it for me right now.

adddz commented 2 years ago

Well, to publish safari extensions you need to enroll in the apple developer program, which costs $99/year. Which isn't really worth it for me right now.

I'd pay for a Safari extension that does this. Consider this, because more and more users are switching from Chrome to Safari especially after the release of the M1 chips (Safari is much more optimized and that's already a good reason to use it vs Chrome).

I'm sure other people will be happy to pay for this extension too.

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

I have a dev account that I’m willing to upload it to as well if that helps!

On Nov 25, 2021, at 3:41 PM, Adriano Y. @.***> wrote:

 Well, to publish safari extensions you need to enroll in the apple developer program, which costs $99/year. Which isn't really worth it for me right now.

I'd pay for a Safari extension that does this. Consider this, because more and more users are switching from Chrome to Safari especially after the release of the M1 chips (Safari is much more optimized and that's already a good reason to use it vs Chrome).

I'm sure other people will be happy to pay for this extension too.

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doz10us commented 2 years ago

I would pay some $5 for such paid extension no problem. I assume that 20 new users per year to cover the account costs isn't too much to expect. You could also promote it on Reddit, to ensure some purchases.

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

I would pay some $5 for such paid extension no problem. I assume that 20 new users per year to cover the account costs isn't too much to expect. You could also promote it on Reddit, to ensure some purchases.

I’ve got a build ready to go and am waiting for App Store verification! Should have an update by the end of the week.

pietervanheijningen commented 2 years ago

I would pay some $5 for such paid extension no problem. I assume that 20 new users per year to cover the account costs isn't too much to expect. You could also promote it on Reddit, to ensure some purchases.

I’ve got a build ready to go and am waiting for App Store verification! Should have an update by the end of the week.

Cool! Thanks for putting in the effort, i'll be sure to link to it once its verified.

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

It's live! I had to make two exclusions to align with Apple's App Store terms (notably removing the donation button and replacing it with a credit to @pietervanheijningen , and also removing the "Capitalise Words" option as it doesn't seem to work within the scope of Safari's extension feature set). I've set it to $2 to be fair and cover Apple dev certification costs.


You can find it here!

doz10us commented 2 years ago

You can find it here!

Bought it right away, thanks!

pietervanheijningen commented 2 years ago

It's live! I had to make two exclusions to align with Apple's App Store terms (notably removing the donation button and replacing it with a credit to @pietervanheijningen , and also removing the "Capitalise Words" option as it doesn't seem to work within the scope of Safari's extension feature set). I've set it to $2 to be fair and cover Apple dev certification costs.


You can find it here!

Thanks again! I've linked to it in the readme, Just one small thing, i noticed my name is spelled wrong in the screenshots of the extension. Would be cool if you can fix that :)

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

Whoops! I’ll revise and submit the fixed build tonight!

On Jan 11, 2022, at 8:25 AM, pietervanheijningen @.***> wrote:

 It's live! I had to make two exclusions to align with Apple's App Store terms (notably removing the donation button and replacing it with a credit to @pietervanheijningen , and also removing the "Capitalise Words" option as it doesn't seem to work within the scope of Safari's extension feature set). I've set it to $2 to be fair and cover Apple dev certification costs.


You can find it here!

Thanks again! I've linked to it in the readme, Just one small thing, i noticed my name is spelled wrong in the screenshots of the extension. Would be cool if you can fix that :)

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korporaalm commented 2 years ago

@pietervanheijningen , I got the safari extension, but it only works when I click the settings. Also, when I scroll down, new thumbnails are not changed unless I change the settings. Am I doing something wrong?

pietervanheijningen commented 2 years ago

@pietervanheijningen , I got the safari extension, but it only works when I click the settings. Also, when I scroll down, new thumbnails are not changed unless I change the settings. Am I doing something wrong?

I don't have any idea what changed in the safari version of the extension, thats @Casuallynoted's responsibility

drcongo commented 2 years ago

@korporaalm I'm not 100% sure, as I've only just installed this and haven't built a Safari extension for a while. You're correct, it only affects the poster frames that are initially loaded, so when you scroll and YouTube injects more thumbs, those don't get replaced. This may be a restriction in the way extensions work in Safari, but like I say, it's been a long time since I built one.

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

I believe it is a restriction of safari extensions, but to be honest I am not 100% sure. This is my first time working with Safari extensions.

On Jan 13, 2022, at 12:01 PM, Andy Beaumont @.***> wrote:

 @korporaalm I'm not 100% sure, as I've only just installed this and haven't built a Safari extension for a while. You're correct, it only affects the poster frames that are initially loaded, so when you scroll and YouTube injects more thumbs, those don't get replaced. This may be a restriction in the way extensions work in Safari, but like I say, it's been a long time since I built one.

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mikelagasse commented 2 years ago

@Casuallynoted, the Safari extension no longer seems to be available- was it pulled?

martinsotirov commented 2 years ago

Seems to not be available in the German App Store. Is there a source available to be compiled locally with XCode? This repo is only for the Chome version isn't it?

CodingNix commented 1 year ago

Not Available in Portugal. I would love to use this extension in safari.

bolandross commented 1 year ago

Same here, not available via German App Store. Any news regarding this?

pietervanheijningen commented 1 year ago

Same here, not available via German App Store. Any news regarding this?

Sorry no, I either need someone to pay for the 99/year membership or someone to publish the extension for me.

ajayyy commented 11 months ago

I have published DeArrow for Safari. DeArrow can replace thumbnails with screenshots and autoformat titles similarly to Clickbait Remover but using different methods, but also has some other features past that.
