pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
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Support for Title Case #43

Open mimmiechan opened 2 years ago

mimmiechan commented 2 years ago

The "capitalize words" option does not cut it at all for me. I need proper title case. That is where certain small words, like "a", "the" and "for" are written in only lower-case. This is unfortunately not possible with CSS. I made a userscript to fix this issue. Well, two scripts actually, trying different code. Feel free to implement it. I haven't learned javascript properly, so this might be awful code. And it only works for channel pages right now. But I don't have more time to work on it right now.

Title Case for YouTube videos.js Title Case for YouTube videos (ap-style-title-case).js Note that you need to set the "How to format the video titles" option (in the addon) to "Do not modify" for these to work.

There is an option in the code to allow all caps words. The main advantage of that, I think, is that abbreviations like "FBI" or "FPS" (or whatever) will be properly cased.

Thanks for the addon!

This YouTuber doesn't use title case, but Capitalizes The First Letter In Every Word. Here is a screenshot with my fix. Screenshot 2021-12-16 at 22-10-24 MrBeast

pietervanheijningen commented 2 years ago

Thanks for putting in the effort! Think i'll refrain from implementing it though, as to me getting most of the way there with just CSS is much cleaner. Especially as youtube has a lot of video suggestions that are generated as you scroll down. If you want to change those titles with javascript you would have a loop on an interval which would be expensive and cause "popping" by titles changing.

muhdiboy commented 2 years ago

Maybe not exactly "Title Case", but is it possible to add a feature to lowercase words but leave the first letter of capitilized words still capitilized. This would result in following behaviour:

alpe12 commented 1 year ago

If you want to change those titles with javascript you would have a loop on an interval which would be expensive and cause "popping" by titles changing.

Not if using MutationObserver.

pietervanheijningen commented 1 year ago

If you want to change those titles with javascript you would have a loop on an interval which would be expensive and cause "popping" by titles changing.

Not if using MutationObserver.

Yeah you're actually right. Might look into it if i get around to it.