pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
354 stars 21 forks source link

Safari extension not working #48

Open ignaciobarrena opened 2 years ago

ignaciobarrena commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I just bought the extension and it isn't working properly.... It's not changing the thumbnails whenever I load a youtube page, I have to do it manually and this makes the extension useless.

I'm using Safari 15.3 in macOS Monterey latest version with Wipr adblocker, thanks

pietervanheijningen commented 2 years ago

@Casuallynoted, please fix :)

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

I’ve been looking into the cause of this issue, it hasn’t been happening on my end so it’s been tricky to troubleshoot. If you leave the page open for a few minutes does it change the titles? Or does it just not change it automatically at all?

pietervanheijningen commented 2 years ago

You could also try and disable your adblocker or any other extensions to see if it fixes the issue

ignaciobarrena commented 2 years ago

The extension works if I manually choose which part of the video will replace the thumbnail, but as soons as I reload the page or open a new one the thumbnails gets replaced for the original ones, it totally defeats the purpose of the extension

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

The extension works if I manually choose which part of the video will replace the thumbnail, but as soons as I reload the page or open a new one the thumbnails gets replaced for the original ones, it totally defeats the purpose of the extension

I’ll see if I can test and recreate this issue. I’m sorry this is happening!

ignaciobarrena commented 2 years ago

Hi there, any updates?

I bought this extension so I can avoid Elden Ring spoilers (lol) but I'm afraid it's useless right now for me. Maybe I can send you some logs or something?

rklos commented 2 years ago

Same problem on my Mac Mini M1 (macOS Monterey 12.2.1, Safari 15.3) - with and without any other extensions.

Casuallynoted commented 2 years ago

Same problem on my Mac Mini M1 (macOS Monterey 12.2.1, Safari 15.3) - with and without any other extensions.

Hi there, any updates?

I bought this extension so I can avoid Elden Ring spoilers (lol) but I'm afraid it's useless right now for me. Maybe I can send you some logs or something?

Sorry for the late responses again, been swamped here. I might remove the app from the store for now and try to replicate it on another machine or a VM if I can. It doesn't really give off much in the way of logs iirc aside from console output on YouTube itself. May also have to reach out to Apple's dev support for answers as I'm not super familiar with the ins and outs of safari extensions.

rklos commented 2 years ago

Any updates?

ignaciobarrena commented 2 years ago

hi there, any updates?

I feel scammed, the extension is not working and dev support has been underwhelming...