pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
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Some related videos thumbnails stay "blank" [Waterfox Classic] #54

Open decembre opened 1 year ago

decembre commented 1 year ago

Have you noticed that some related videos thumbnails stay blank? If i select option "No Change" , it's ok.

Browser: Waterfox Classic

Test link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTrm_idbhUk

Note: A screenshot: PB - YOUTUBE - NO THUMBNAIL - 2023-01-28_165728

Was after a question here: have you noticed that some related videos thumbnails stay blank?

cyfung1031 commented 1 year ago

If you just don't want to animated overlay, just set them display: none For video title, it is just a css rule.

You don't have to bother with this extension. You can create UserCSS with Stylus to make them toggleable.

ytd-thumbnail #mouseover-overlay {
    display: none;

#related #video-title {
    text-transform: lowercase;
pietervanheijningen commented 1 year ago

Hey i've looked into this. Seems like something I can't really fix. This extension relies on the default thumbnails that youtube generates when the channel uploads a video, which are normally hidden from view. It doesn't actually go through the video itself. Seems like with these videos the channel uploaded them in a weird way that broke that feature of youtube, as it requests these hidden thumbnails just fine, they are just black.

So can't fix sorry, hope this doesn't happen more often.

decembre commented 1 year ago

Thank for your reply! And yes that not append to often.....

Livila commented 4 months ago

Wouldn't a simple "solution" be possible by checking the result of the requests, and if a request is bad, then just use the thumbnail instead of showing it as black?

pietervanheijningen commented 4 months ago

Wouldn't a simple "solution" be possible by checking the result of the requests, and if a request is bad, then just use the thumbnail instead of showing it as black?

Chrome extension can't see responses of requests they do not make themselves, google simply does not allow it due to security reasons. This extension only redirects requests

Hope this issue doesn't happen too often for you too