pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
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Icon missing in Firefox #57

Closed tfvlrue closed 3 months ago

tfvlrue commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm trying this out in Firefox 115 (on Windows 10) and it seems like there is no way to access the settings. There isn't any "Options" in the extension's drop-down:


I noticed the description says "All functionality of the extension is customizable by clicking the extension icon on the top right", but there is no icon visible. The toolbar customization view doesn't have one either:


I didn't notice anything added to the context menu either. So either I'm really confused or maybe there's a bug here :)

Thanks, Luke

pietervanheijningen commented 11 months ago


Works for me just fine like this on firefox 115, don't see how it could be different on windows (i'm running macOS)

tfvlrue commented 11 months ago

Ohh, I see. I had that puzzle piece icon turned off. With it back on, it shows up in that list and I can access the options just fine. The other extensions either auto-pinned their icons to the toolbar, or had their options accessible in the extensions list:


Anyway I guess this was a "me" problem :) But it would be nice to have the options for this extension exposed the way others do.

sKopheK commented 3 months ago


Works for me just fine like this on firefox 115, don't see how it could be different on windows (i'm running macOS)

it's not clicking the cog icon as the description say then :)