pietervanheijningen / clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com
MIT License
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Fix A/B tested thumbnails not updating #60

Closed sb-o closed 10 months ago

sb-o commented 10 months ago

Thumbnails were not updating if the image name was in the format hq720custom[0-9].

These might be the format for YouTube's new thumbnail A/B testing feature.

For example, the "lamborghini vs shredder" thumbnail below was not updating. Its URL was: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vBpQ1SlfVtU/hq720_custom_3.jpg?sqp=...


It can be fixed by adding the format to the regexes.


pietervanheijningen commented 10 months ago

Hey! Thank you so much for noticing and making a PR! I just now noticed some places where those new thumbnails are not replaced even with this PR. Seems like an easy fix, so i'll fix that real quick and then publish this all in a new version asap!

Thanks again!