pietervdvn / MapComplete

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cycle_infra core data model #397

Closed joostschouppe closed 3 years ago

joostschouppe commented 3 years ago
  1. Is there a cycleway? (see https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/issues/410)
    • No cycleway (cycleway:both=no)
    • There is a shared lane (cycleway=shared_lane)
    • There is a lane next to the road (cycleway=lane)
    • There is a track, but no cycleway drawn seperately from this road on the map. (cycleway=track)
    • There is a seperately drawn cycleway (Try to give a warning if people pick "track"?)
      • bicycle=use_sidepath if obligatory (de facto default in Belgium, though there is traffic sign F99 for optional paths)
      • bicycle=optional_sidepath if optional (common in Germany and exists in the Netherlands)
      • cycleway=seperate is implied if either of these two is filled in, but could be used if people don't know if the cycleway is obligatory or not

Note: we will create a questionaire per side of the street, see https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/issues/401

  1. Is this a cyclestreet? (re-use from existing theme)
  2. Is the road/the path lit?
  3. maxspeed

[if "Mixed traffic", no cycleway]

[if shared lane, lane or track - ask based on streetside]

[if lane] What cycle markings are there?

[ if lane or track]

[if track]

Maybe: hazard of doors from cars that are parked

Possibly hazard:bicycle=door_zone or cycleway:doorzone

SupaplexOSM commented 3 years ago

A few additional notes:

bicycle=use_sidepath on the highway line should only be used if the separately mapped bike lane is compulsory (then plus bicycle=designated on the cycleway line) – but depending on the country or legal situation, this is often not the case. Here, where I'm living e.g. (in Berlin), only a few street-accompanying cycle tracks are compulsory to use and bicycle=use_sidepath would then not be correct at the highway line (because I would prefer/I'm allowed to ride on the street – it's more bicycle=yes or – better, but undocumented and currently rarely used – bicycle=optional_sidepath).

Also, I would like to mention the cycleway:separation scheme, which is currently under development, to map the type of buffer/protection/separation (like trees, curbs, bollards, railings etc.): https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/cycleway:separation

(In addition, I would prefer to always include a directional suffix on cycleway tags, e.g. "cycleway:right=separate", but that's probably a matter of taste...).

seppesantens commented 3 years ago

In the "OSLO Fietsinfrastructuur" project of "Digitaal Vlaanderen", similar questions arise. Inspiration can be found in the reports and presentations here: https://data.vlaanderen.be/standaarden/standaard-in-ontwikkeling/vocabularium-en-applicatieprofiel-fietsinfrastructuur.html

joostschouppe commented 3 years ago

From Tim Couwelier on Element, on the topic of cycleway colouring: wegcode is fairly clear on this, it's either signposted with signs like D7/D9 in which case color or material choice does not matter at all, or it's the area between two parallel stripe lines that's too narrow for car traffic. by default, that last option can only be one-way cyclelanes none of the 'suggestiestroken' hold any juridical value, but best practice is to avoid red for them (attempted to reserve that for cycleways with priority for the cyclists), it's either color (ideally oker) or some type of ground marking (i've seen 'marker nails', spaced 15x15 cm blocks, repeated cyclist symbols with 'sergeantstreep', ... fietsstraat holds - in juridical sense - zero guidelines as to 'how it should look', just the traffic signs for it are formal and now exist is both a zonal and non-zonal version (despite the latter often being placed as it it were zonal though)

Thierry1030 commented 3 years ago

2 things: 1) with the "meetfiets" we use for the colour of the cycleway 3 values: (red) coloured, faded and non-coloured 2) a cycleway (next to a parallel car road) is generally signposted with D7/D9/D10 but legally it can also be signposted with a F99-sign ... in Flanders and Brussels I still didn't see it, but in Wallonia it apparently exists -> https://www.gracq.org/actualites-du-velo/des-pistes-cyclables-non-obligatoires-grace-au-f99 -> https://wegcode.be/wetteksten/secties/kb/wegcode/100-art2

RobinLinde commented 3 years ago
* tag to be invented? Values: "red strip", "red strip and white lines", "white lines only"

* might fit with `cycleway:separation` as well

Theme now uses cycleway:seperation for lines, might be worth using cycleway:colour, since it's already being used.

SupaplexOSM commented 3 years ago

[...] might be worth using cycleway:colour, since it's already being used.

It would be better to use cycleway:[<side>:]surface:colour, because it's about the colour of the surface? These tags are also more widely used.

RobinLinde commented 3 years ago

Implemented almost completely, apart from parking:lanes and cycleway:surface:colour

Thierry1030 commented 3 years ago

bollards and cycle_barriers are already visualised. I would also add block, sump_buster and bus_trap

Thierry1030 commented 3 years ago

for a node with traffic lights I would consider to add the green and red time

Thierry1030 commented 3 years ago

and for a node with traffic lights I would also consider crossing:island