pietrobraione / jbse

A symbolic Java virtual machine for program analysis, verification and test generation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to run jbse on java project? #49

Open cparadox opened 3 years ago

cparadox commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a new starter of jbse. I have succeeded in running jbse-examplse and getting result. Now I want to run jbse on other java project and analyze some method. I tried to add the project's bin path to the CLASSPATH in Defs.java, and modify the METHOD_CLASS, METHOD_DESCRIPTOR, METHOD_NAME and OUT_FILE in RunIf.java:

public class RunExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final RunParameters p = new RunParameters();
        final Run r = new Run(p);

    private static final String METHOD_CLASS      = "java/awt/Event"; 
    private static final String METHOD_DESCRIPTOR = "()Ljava/lang/String"; 
    private static final String METHOD_NAME       = "paramString"; 
    private static final Path   OUT_FILE          = EXAMPLES_HOME.resolve("out/runExample.txt");

    private static void set(RunParameters p) {

but get error:

This is the Java Bytecode Symbolic Executor's Run Tool (null v.null).
Connecting to Z3 at E:\MyDownloads\z3-4.8.10-x64-win\bin\z3.exe.
Starting symbolic execution of method java/awt/Event:()Ljava/lang/String:paramString at Sat Mar 06 23:25:54 CST 2021.
Unexpected internal error.
jbse.common.exc.UnexpectedInternalException: jbse.common.exc.InvalidInputException: Tried to get a jzentry for an unknown zip file entry.
    at jbse.algo.Util.failExecution(Util.java:299)
    at jbse.algo.Algorithm.onInvalidInputException(Algorithm.java:181)
    at jbse.algo.Algorithm.exec(Algorithm.java:220)
    at jbse.jvm.Engine.step(Engine.java:312)
    at jbse.jvm.Runner.doRun(Runner.java:550)
    at jbse.jvm.Runner.run(Runner.java:520)
    at jbse.apps.run.Run.run(Run.java:597)
    at runthirdpartyprograms.RunExample.main(RunExample.java:22)
Caused by: jbse.common.exc.InvalidInputException: Tried to get a jzentry for an unknown zip file entry.
    at jbse.mem.State.getZipFileEntryJz(State.java:1757)
    at jbse.algo.meta.Algo_JAVA_ZIPFILE_GETENTRY_STARTS.cookMore(Algo_JAVA_ZIPFILE_GETENTRY_STARTS.java:63)
    at jbse.algo.Algo_INVOKEMETA_Nonbranching.lambda$0(Algo_INVOKEMETA_Nonbranching.java:41)
    at jbse.algo.Algorithm.doExec(Algorithm.java:236)
    at jbse.algo.Algorithm.exec(Algorithm.java:218)
    ... 5 more
Symbolic execution finished at Sat Mar 06 23:26:00 CST 2021.

Could you please tell me where I have to modify?

pietrobraione commented 1 year ago

The methods that manipulate zip files are native in the Oracle classes (OpenJDK and derived). JBSE implements them metacitcularly - i.e., invokes the corresponding native methods of the JVM on which it runs. It is possible that you have spotted a bug (UnexpectedInternalExceptions are usually thrown when something that should never happen happens).