pietroglyph / ftc265

An Intel RealSense T265 driver for Android
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
34 stars 21 forks source link

Camera outputs NaN, Confidence: Failed #2

Closed samsonli closed 3 years ago

samsonli commented 3 years ago

Recently we've been having a few occurrences of the camera outputting

Position: (NaN, NaN, 0.0)
Velocity: (NaN, NaN, NaN)
Confidence: Failed

This resolved itself after some time (not sure how), but now it's back again.

We have tried unplugging and replugging the camera. The first time we ran the program after that we got the "No device attached" exception on init. The second time and onwards, we did not get the exception but it continued outputting the failed data (Even after we unplugged the camera during the program).

Any ideas? Thanks.

pietroglyph commented 3 years ago

Has this ever happened while you were not fusing encoder odometry?

samsonli commented 3 years ago

No, so far it has only happened when fusing encoder odometry.

pietroglyph commented 3 years ago

Ok, it sounds like this is an odometry issue. Please make sure that you're only sending valid velocity measurements, that the measurement covariance that you pass in the T265Camera constructor is valid, and that the robot to camera transform you also pass there is valid.

If you have the code you're using to construct and send encoder data on GitHub then I can take a look and tell you if I see any issues.