pietrop / digital-paper-edit-client

Work in progress -digital paper edit project - React Client
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compatibility with upload of voice memo audio from ios app #49

Closed pietrop closed 3 years ago

pietrop commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

When using this client as part of firebase web app github.com/pietrop/digital-paper-edit-firebase I noticed that you are not able to select voice memo audios MIME Type audio/x-m4a . (following these instructions) It appears grayed out in the list and unable to be selected.

To Reproduce To reproduce you'd need to

  1. deploy github.com/pietrop/digital-paper-edit-firebase
  2. get the url of the live app
  3. visit that on an iphone
  4. create a new project
  5. create a new transcript.
  6. in the form click select file, and then navigate to your iphone local folder, (see instructions above) and ideally you have already exported a recording locally from voice memos.
  7. see that you are unable to select the audio

Expected behavior Expect to be able to select and upload voice memo files. Screenshots NA

Desktop (please complete the following information): Tested in electron app, and doesn't seem to be a problem on desktop. eg you can upload/add audio voice memos files. 🤷‍♂️

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

In the transcript form, by changing the accept attribute to include the audio/x-m4a MIME type explicitly seems to fix this. pietrop/digital-paper-edit-client/src/Components/Transcripts/TranscriptForm.js#L182

-<Form.Control required type="file" label="Upload" accept="audio/*,video/*,.mxf" onChange={this.handleFileUpload} />
+ <Form.Control required type="file" label="Upload"   accept="audio/*,video/*,.mxf, audio/x-m4a"  onChange={this.handleFileUpload} />