pietroppeter / nimib

nimib 🐳 - nim 👑 driven ⛵ publishing ✍
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moving to nimib organization #137

Open pietroppeter opened 1 year ago

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

as discussed with @HugoGranstrom, the plan is to move nimib and other nimib related repos to a nimib organization. the idea is that all nimib repo (e.g. nimib, nimibook, nimislides) could then be moved to this org to further encourage contributions. I am convinced this is a good thing, but it will require some work, so is not happening right away (not before nimconf for sure, but not right after it also).

A specific advantage I found out today is that you can have a organization centralized discussion place (we could use nimib discussion to have a forum for all repos): https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-organization-settings/enabling-or-disabling-github-discussions-for-an-organization

other possible specific advantages to motivate the work?

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

we just created the org and started planning todos in a board: https://github.com/nimib-org

(nimib name was not available!)

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

if you come up with a better name for Nimib-org let us know!

dlesnoff commented 1 year ago

The name has been changed to: https://github.com/nimib-land