pietroppeter / nimib

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Fix std/random bug (#204) #211

Closed sent44 closed 10 months ago

sent44 commented 10 months ago

This should not need to modify docs as it is internal stuff hide be hide nbCode fixed #204


import capture

var s: string

var msg = "hello"
echo msg & "1"
    echo msg & "2"
    msg = "ciao"
echo msg & "3"

assert s == "hello2\n"

import random

echo rand(100) # result: 3
captureStdout(s, "my_random_tmp"):
    echo rand(100) # result: 89
# echo rand(100)
echo "s=", s

captureStdout(s, "my_random_tmp"):
    echo rand(100) # result: 18
echo "s=", s

    echo "echo"
echo "s=", s

Expect result

s= (lots of 89 and 18 depend on how many time you run)

s= (lots of 89 and 18 depend on how many time you run)

sent44 commented 10 months ago

I am going to investigate the error for the time begin Temporary close

sent44 commented 10 months ago

In addition to that you will also have to add fusion as a dependency in the nimib.nimble file.

Isn't fusion already part of semi standard library that already come compiler? Like experimental features So I should OpenSystemsLab/tempfile.nim dependency from nimib.nimble instead

Edit: Oh https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7608

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

In addition to that you will also have to add fusion as a dependency in the nimib.nimble file.

Isn't fusion already part of semi standard library that already come compiler? Like experimental features So I should OpenSystemsLab/tempfile.nim dependency from nimib.nimble instead

Edit: Oh https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7608

Yeah, fusion was planned to function that way but now it's mostly abandoned. It does have a few useful libraries though. And yes, you should remove the old OpenSystemsLab/tempfile.nim dependency from the nimble file.

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

All the tests are passing now, so we have solved part of the issue :partying_face: Now we have a new error though, redefinition of decode :/

sent44 commented 10 months ago

Now we have a new error though, redefinition of decode :/

I have no idea ._., might need to check with expandMacro to see why somehow it is redefine I am going to sleep now

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

I have no idea ._., might need to check with expandMacro to see why somehow it is redefine I am going to sleep now

Yeah, I'll investigate it. Sweet dream :sleeping:

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

I have managed to reduce it to a minimal example, and it's a compiler problem

template foo(x: string, body: untyped) =
  echo x

template foo(body) =
  foo("Goodbye", body)

foo("Hello"): # works
  proc f() = discard
  echo "World"

foo: # doesn't work
  proc f() = discard
  echo "World"

The problem is that we have an overload of captureStdout, and the compiler needs to check which one it is that we want to call. So it must type-check all the arguments (even if one of them is untyped). And my guess is that in that type-checking it mistakenly saves the proc decode and when we actually define it later it will falsely complain about it already being defined.

I will open an issue on Nim's issue tracker, but the workaround for us would be to don't have two overloads and instead just keep one of them (with or without filename).

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

It seems like this has been discussed here: https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/402 And it basically won't be fixed... So we have to do a workaround, and my vote is on removing the filename argument as I simply don't see any use for it. And if we want to reuse a file in the future we will have to refactor this code either way, so we'll deal with that when it comes instead. Your opinion?

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

Also, you will need to merge our main branch into your main-1 branch as I just fixed a piece of code in the docs that didn't compile.

pietroppeter commented 10 months ago

Great work @sent44, very well done and thanks! And excellent analysis by @HugoGranstrom of this weird issue. I would agree we can skip the version with filename.

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

Looks good to me and the CI now. Thanks again for contributing to nimib 😁 I'll merge this in a moment

pietroppeter commented 10 months ago

note that this also closes the older issue of #72. And reading that makes me realise that this fix "breaks" nimib for nim < 1.6. Which is fine, I think. An option would have been to keep older code under when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 6) but it is probably not worth it at the moment (and we could do it easily later in case there is a need). What is important we do not miss is that in the changelog for next release (3.10?) we mention this breaking change. And also I think this is the only recent change that would warrant a release, right? (the other commits if I am not wrong are improvements/changes for documentation, not in the library).

HugoGranstrom commented 10 months ago

Oh, had totally missed that :O But I agree, 1.4.x is old by now. I think we should keep 1.6.x working as long as possible though as 2.0 brings some breaking changes that could break people's old articles using old versions of libraries.

What is important we do not miss is that in the changelog for next release (3.10?) we mention this breaking change. And also I think this is the only recent change that would warrant a release, right?

Correct, next release is 3.10. These two commits are not included in the latest release either:1 2