pietroppeter / nimib

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nbShow for images and tables #74

Closed pietroppeter closed 1 year ago

pietroppeter commented 2 years ago

we should have a dedicated command nbShow whose behaviour will depend on the type of object is applied.

For example:

this should be in some nimib/show module that should uses when compiles(import ggplotnim) or similar mechanism not to introduce additional dependencies.

I plan to do this after #24 (hopefully I will start soon working on that, likely starting from scratch)

HugoGranstrom commented 2 years ago

this should be in some nimib/show module that should uses when compiles(import ggplotnim) or similar mechanism not to introduce additional dependencies.

So it would only work for types that are officially supported by nimib? I don't have full understanding of how this works, but wouldn't something like this perhaps work?

template nbShow(t: untyped) =

proc nbShowApi(m: MyCustomType, nb: NbDoc) =
    # Logic here

All types which implement nbShowApi are then supported. There might be aspects I'm missing of course which require tight nimib integration 😄

pietroppeter commented 2 years ago

Still too early for me to understand how it will be for a custom type, but there will be some mechanism like the one you suggest to make this something that any custom type can implement.

I do think though that for each nbShow there might be custom parameters (e.g. max rows and max columns for a table, caption for a plot, ...).

HugoGranstrom commented 2 years ago

I do think though that for each nbShow there might be custom parameters (e.g. max rows and max columns for a table, caption for a plot, ...).

That's a very good point! Didn't think about that.

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

have been thinking about how this could be implemented, here I describe a possible implementation:

  1. change partial for nbCode from

    nb.partials["nbCode"]= """
    nb.partials["nbCodeHtmlOutputs"]= """
  2. we provide a addHtml(blk: var NbBlock, html: string) function that adds a generic html string to current block (initializes sequence htmls if not present.

  3. a generic nbShow[T](obj: T) template is provided that calls a T.toHtml function and uses addHtml to add output to current block.

  4. for every specific type that ones want to show, you need to implement toHtml(o: MyType): string =

  5. (optional) we might be able to pass some untyped varargs argument to nbShow that are passed as is to toHtml to implement options (like maxRows, maxCols, ...). If we are not able than to use non default of optional arguments one needs also to specialize nbShow and pass arguments to toHtml (a macro could be supplied to do that automatically).

what is nice about the above is that for every new type you just need to add a toHtml function that might be anyway useful besides nimib. Also I liked the use of addHtml that hides the implementation detail of how the partials are handled. For example if in a next version of nimib we add a partial field to the block object (so that you can customize the single block), then the addHtml will change its implementation but not the rest.

Note that in the above we assume that all html outputs produced by nbShow are shown after the capture stdout outputs. It would be complex to do otherwise and not worth the effort IMO.

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

This API looks really clean, I really like the toHtml idea 😁 the only nitpick I have is that nbShow and --nbShow could be a bit confusing for those uninitiated. Not sure what else to call it though 🤔

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

ah yes, all names are up for changes:

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

Here are my 10 cent:

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

Inflation really is ramping up 😜

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

:rofl: That's what I get when I don't know your idioms properly...

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

I have thought a bit about this now. Why must nbShow be attached to a nbCode? Can't we just make it an independent block? For example, I might want to nbShow a dataframe without showing any code. Then I should just be able to do nbShow(df) anywhere in my document. nbShow would in this case simply be:

template nbShow(obj: untyped) =

Thought on this? Am I missing something we thought was brilliant with your approach back in October?

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

Well, this might just be more brilliant :) This is rather straightforward indeed.

The idea I had back then was to be able to use it inside nbCode so that you could show how you are calling it but indeed it is not very important (and maybe this actually works inside nbCode - the only issue would be that you cannot anymore change nbCode as last block - for example calling nbClearOutput)

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

I don't think it works to create other blocks inside nbCode (that's why we created nimibCode). So it would have to be done afterwards. The only time I can see this being a problem is with nbCodeInBlock as the variable wouldn't be available afterwards. But then you could wrap a nbCode manually in a block and do the nbShow inside the block. But I do see your point that it would be nice to actually show in the code that you are printing the dataframe for example so it doesn't appear from nowhere. But for that to work we would need to use nimibCode which if I recall don't capture the output currently.

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

And to recap nbCode vs niminCode:


newBlock(....): # just read the code here, don't run it
body # we run it afterwards instead

Looking at this I think we could make nimibCode captureStdout if we just save a reference to the newly created block and add the output to it. :o If I could get it to work, maybe we could change nbCode to use this and deprecate nimibCode as it could handle nesting now? 🤔

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

Well, with support for container blocks (and allowing every block to be a container block) I think we should be able to call blocks from inside other blocks.

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

the ref issue for container blocks is https://github.com/pietroppeter/nimib/issues/117 and if they support also this use case we should actually make any block a container block

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

That's a good point, all the contained blocks of a nbCode could be placed where you put the >nbCodeHtmlOutputs in your example above.

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

ah the part of the partial I had not yet thought about it... to be honest it is late and I am really tired so there are many things that I might not have considered, but making blocks also container blocks is something that looks more and more appealing!

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

Haha yeah it's a shame that one has the most time when you should sleep and is tired 🤣 I'll sleep on this as well. This is not a blocker for nbShow currently though so I will proceed with it and we'll have the discussions on containers in that issue. When we do implement them though, nbShow will be even more useful as it could be used inside nbCode as well :)