pietroppeter / nimibook

A port of mdbook to nim(ib)
MIT License
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highlight nim code in pages with markdown sources #64

Closed pietroppeter closed 1 year ago

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

see also https://github.com/pietroppeter/nimib/issues/68 (where there is the discussion for other languages than nim, which also should be in scope here) the feature should likely be implemented first in nimib and then used here.

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

closed by #74

pietroppeter commented 1 year ago

bizarrely enough this commands section is highlighted as sql: https://pietroppeter.github.io/nimibook/cli.html probably can be overridden by mentioning something (bash?) after the backticks. not planning to do anything about it for now.

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

I think you can mark the language as plaintext If you don't want any highlighting of a code block.