piface / PiFace-Real-Time-Clock

Installation script for PiFace Real Time Clock.
MIT License
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PiFace Real Time Clock Software Change #10

Open fc-gituser opened 7 years ago

fc-gituser commented 7 years ago

Dear GitHub Community All my Raspberry Pi devices (RPi 2, RPi Zero, and RPi 3 (planned) are running with the current Raspbian Jessie version. I have successfully installed PiFace Real Time Clock using the PiFace website instructions and GitHub.com software download on a number of RPi 2's and one of my three RPi Zero's. I have recently continued the installations on another two RPi's and cannot continue because after these two lines: chmod +x install-piface-real-time-clock.sh sudo ./install-piface-real-time-clock.sh the following message returns: create new pifacertc init script to load time from PiFace RTC Adding /etc/init.d/pifacertc . install the pifacertc init script enable I2c by using : raspi-config

As I am a Linux beginner, can someone lead me through (expand) the coding of these lines so I may install PiFace RTC in the future. The changelog on GitHub refers to a revision change but I am not knowledgable enough to discuss it further. Also is PiFace RTC installation (when resolved) compatible with RPi 3. Thank you very much. Frank.