piface / pifacedigitalio

The PiFace Digital input/output module.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Raspberry Pi 2, Piface Digital 2 interrupt #30

Closed drmod3 closed 8 years ago

drmod3 commented 9 years ago

There seems to be a problem with simple InputEventListener. The emulator works as well as output pins and input pins. After trying several programs, I attempted the examples. Blink works, presslights does not, whackamole does partially. Two boards and 3 SD cards have been tried, with update and upgrade following instructions.

Have I missed something?

Additional information has been observed. When rebooting, an error flashes by which says: "Error loading module spi-bcm 2708 no such module."

lsmod shows: spi_bcm2835 4253 0 also shows: snd_bcm2835 19761 6

/lib/modules/4.0.8-v7+/kernel/drivers/spi/ has two files: spi-bcm2708.ko and spi-bcm2835.ko The actual device shows to be bcm2709.

Thanks for any help on resolved the interrupt issue, which appears to be related to the bcm module

tompreston commented 9 years ago

presslights.py seems to be working for me after a fresh install of wheezy. Are you using the latest software?

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
dbrb2 commented 8 years ago

I have just had this happen to me after a raspbian apt-get-update/upgrade cycle Initially spi dodn't work at all posy upgrade, with the error given above, until I changed my modprobe line to 2835

Now I can read and write pins fine, but interrupts are still not working....any ideas?

dbrb2 commented 8 years ago

Ah - solution found: http://www.element14.com/community/message/139528/l/re-piface-digital-2--setup-and-use#139528

tompreston commented 8 years ago

Glad you got this sorted!