pigdevstudio / platform_template

Template project for platform games in Godot Engine.
MIT License
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Option in inspector to Disable Wall Jump and Dash #26

Closed Zerokami closed 6 years ago

Zerokami commented 6 years ago

You maybe making a Mario like platformer where you don't want to have Dash and Wall Jump.

It'd be great if we had an option in inspector to disable these two and more features that are implemented that users may not want.

Here is my platform_actor.gd that does that.

extends KinematicBody2D

export (int) var walk_speed = 400
export (int) var jump_height = 800
export (int) var max_jumps = 2

export (bool) var able_to_dash = true
export (int) var dash_length = 300
export (int) var dash_speed = 600

export (int) var climb_speed = 400

export (bool) var able_to_wall_jump = true
export (int) var wall_jump_length = 400

export (bool) var able_to_wall_slide = true

var direction = 1 setget set_direction
var velocity = Vector2(0, 0)
var can_dash = true

onready var in_jump_speed = walk_speed
onready var jumps = max_jumps
var state_machine = null

const GRAVITY = 50
const FLOOR_NORMAL = Vector2(0, -1)
const SLOPE_STOP_SPEED = 200
const MAX_FALL_SPEED = 2000

signal enter_state(state)
signal perform_action(action)
signal direction_changed(new_direction)

func set_direction(value):
    direction = value
    emit_signal("direction_changed", value)

func set_state(new_state):
    emit_signal("enter_state", new_state)
    emit_signal("perform_action", new_state)

func dash():
    if !can_dash or jumps < 1 or !able_to_dash:
    var speed = (dash_speed * direction)
    velocity.x = speed
    can_dash = false
    jumps -= 1

func jump():
    if jumps > 0:
        velocity.y = -jump_height
        jumps -= 1

func cancel_jump():
    velocity.y = 0

func fall(force_fall = false):
    if velocity.y > FALL_THRESHOLD or force_fall:
        emit_signal("perform_action", "fall")
        jumps -= 1

func walk():
    var speed = walk_speed * direction
    velocity.x = speed

func stop():
    velocity.x = 0

func wall_slide():
    if !able_to_wall_slide:

func wall_jump(length = jump_height, height = jump_height):
    if !able_to_wall_jump:
    velocity.y = -height
    velocity.x = length
    emit_signal("perform_action", "jump")

func climb_ladder():
    velocity.y = 0
    velocity.x = 0

func is_on_ladder():
    return false

func _ready():
    state_machine = $state_machine
    connect("enter_state", state_machine, "set_state")

func _physics_process(delta):
    velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, FLOOR_NORMAL, SLOPE_STOP_SPEED, 4, deg2rad(46))
    velocity.y = min(velocity.y, MAX_FALL_SPEED)
    velocity.y += GRAVITY
    if state_machine == null:
    state_machine.state.process(self, delta)
henriiquecampos commented 6 years ago

fixed on https://github.com/pigdevstudio/platform_template/tree/fsm_revamp :blue_heart:

henriiquecampos commented 6 years ago

The wall thing tho is not fixed, it needs to be rewritten which I'll do this week then I merge everything on master if everything goes well