pigochu / yii2-jquery-locationpicker

jquery location picker widget for yii2
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Name labels #3

Closed arjenmeijer closed 8 years ago

arjenmeijer commented 8 years ago

Greetings from Holland,

around the map there are labels for the field name. I.e. if I start with echo $form->field($model, 'gps')->widget the widget begins in bold Gps, new line, than the map, new line, and closes with Gps in gray. Is there a way to remove the Gps words from the form?

pigochu commented 8 years ago

try $form->field($model, 'gps')->widget( ... ).label(falsE);

arjenmeijer commented 8 years ago


Call to undefined function label()

pigochu commented 8 years ago

sorry My mistake ... change to "->label(false)" , ha ha

arjenmeijer commented 8 years ago

Thanks, this removes the bold Gps label in front, but leaves the grey Gps label after the map.

pigochu commented 8 years ago

impossioble , I havnt write any code about grey label. maybe you wrote method "->hint('...')" , so it display hint string . Can you post your php code and html code ?

arjenmeijer commented 8 years ago

You are correct. It is a hint problem. This solves it: ])->label(false)->hint(false);