pihome-shc / pihome

PiHome - Smart Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
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Issue since v1.76 update #364

Closed pihome-shc closed 3 years ago

pihome-shc commented 3 years ago

Received this from one user.

Hats off to you and the team on the latest release. Its really getting slick.

I've been following the github discussions with interest, and updated from 1.75 to 1.76 as soon as you sent the notification.

I noticed a few things since the update - but I'm not very familiar with github - I didn't know if I should raise these queries as bugs, but I figured I'd run them by you.

Issue since v1.76 update:

Kind regards,

twa127 commented 3 years ago


twa127 commented 3 years ago

The current version of gateway.py uses absolute values to reference the columns in the select query used for zone_graphs table, I'll change this to reference the columns by name, just in case this is causing a problem

twa127 commented 3 years ago

the node_id table was added at #321 MySensors Nodes without ID and is populated as required by gateway.py

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

Hey guys - in the interest of working out any kinks - here is my SQL database backup from prior to the update. I hope this helps. pihome_2020-08-05_08-27-35.zip

@twa127 - I gave the sonoff / tasmota add-on a try. I managed to set-up a hallway lamp. The add 'zone http message' button would not allow me to save the power on command via the GUI. I tried adding the http message manually through phpmyadmin. If i locally login to my tasmota and cycle it - the pihome gui updates to show the state - but clicking the 'hallway lamp' symbol via pihome does not cycle the tasmota. I may need to dig further into this to figure out what is going on.

pihome-shc commented 3 years ago

@twa127 graph issue is fixed after #365

twa127 commented 3 years ago

hi @scottagecheeseandcrackers I notice there is no 'zone_graphs' table in your database dump.

After #360 update you may need to delete your browser history to pickup the change to js/request.js, this should fix the http message GUI

twa127 commented 3 years ago

@scottagecheeseandcrackers when trying to debug your Sonoff, the first thing to check is that you have an entry in the messages_out table, this should have been created by the Add Zone process. Example below shows id = 92 entry for the Sonoff zone. You can manually set the Sonoff state by setting the payload to either 'Power ON' or 'Power OFF' and setting 'sent' to 0, gateway.py will then set the Sonoff the next time it cycles. Hope that helps Capture

pihome-shc commented 3 years ago

Any more work needed for this issue or. Can I close this issue?

twa127 commented 3 years ago

I think we have solved the issues mentioned in the original post

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

Apologies guys - was under a rock - missed the messages above.

@twa127 - Sonoff issue fixed with #360 - many thanks - really cool feature (I now have to see how many things around the house I can tasmota-ize)

zone_graphs is showing readings for the majority of my temperature sensors (for some reason one of them is missing) But the graphs on the gui only show 2 temperature readings. Also I'm not sure if you have implemented the battery voltage graph yet - but that too is blank.

pihome-shc commented 3 years ago

@scottagecheeseandcrackers zone type nme are hard coded as heating and water make sure you have these two names as heating and water

twa127 commented 3 years ago

should have been no impact on battery voltage graphs, do you have anything in the nodes_battery table?

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

@scottagecheeseandcrackers zone type nme are hard coded as heating and water make sure you have these two names as heating and water

@pihome-shc - my zone type table has these listed as 'Heating' and 'Hot Water'


scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

should have been no impact on battery voltage graphs, do you have anything in the nodes_battery table?

@twa127 - nodes_battery table fully populated for all sensors.

pihome-shc commented 3 years ago

Change hot water to water in zone_type table

twa127 commented 3 years ago


That's not going to work for all the current records in the zone_graphs table, might be a good idea to change the string test to look for sub-strings 'heating, 'water' and 'Immersion'

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

Sorry @twa127 - that went over my head...

twa127 commented 3 years ago

he he

Try using this for chart_load.php chart_load.zip

twa127 commented 3 years ago

I've looked at chart_batteryusage.php again and still can't see anything which should cause you to loose them after migrating the database. Can you post the first few records from your nodes_battery table please

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

@twa127 # Screenshot_20200808-184900_Chrome

twa127 commented 3 years ago

That looks fine, I'll investigate further, did the updated chart_load.php fix your missing temperatures?

twa127 commented 3 years ago

Can you send me a screen shot of your nodes table please

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

That looks fine, I'll investigate further, did the updated chart_load.php fix your missing temperatures?

Just rebooted the system to see any changes - I can now see my hot water temp reading alongside the outside temp.

Still missing a sensor reading though - perhaps it will appear as new readings are received.

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago


twa127 commented 3 years ago

ah there is a check in chart_batteryusage.php for a valid min_value

$querya ="select * from nodes where type = 'MySensor' AND name LIKE '%Sensor' AND min_value <> 0;";

you need to set a min_value for all your nodes which are battery powered, hopefully that should fix the problem

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

Is the min_value for voltage or temp?

twa127 commented 3 years ago

% battery level threshold say for example 75, when the level falls below 75% it triggers a notification

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

% battery level threshold say for example 75, when the level falls below 75% it triggers a notification

That fixed the voltage charts. Thanks

twa127 commented 3 years ago

great, so you happy with 1.76 now?

scottagecheeseandcrackers commented 3 years ago

great, so you happy with 1.76 now?

Great work. Fantastic build. Its really starting to out-perform other platforms.

twa127 commented 3 years ago

glad you like it :-)