I am doing REMIND runs with differing input data and noticed getfiledestinations() being glacially slow – runs would seemingly stall for 15 to 20 minutes before loading input data. The problem is that I have a directory with old runs (54 runs with 72k files total) that makes list.files(recursive = TRUE) question its life choices.
getfiledestinations() used to ignore everything starting with ., 225, output, calib_run, figure.
Now, it ignores
anything starting with .,
on MAgPIE: calib_run, input, output, doc, run_details, logs, 225.*,
on REMIND: input, output, doc, magpie, plotRuntimeDependencies, \\.venv, calibration_results,
and anything else included included in .gitignore.
I am doing REMIND runs with differing input data and noticed
being glacially slow – runs would seemingly stall for 15 to 20 minutes before loading input data. The problem is that I have a directory with old runs (54 runs with 72k files total) that makeslist.files(recursive = TRUE)
question its life choices.getfiledestinations()
used to ignore everything starting with.
. Now, it ignores.