pik-piam / remind2

The remind2 package contains the REMIND-specific routines for data and model output manipulation.
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Attribute waste emissions to energy-related emissions of sectors based on historical shares and remove waste emissions variables from energy-related emissions taxonomy #641

Closed fschreyer closed 1 month ago

fschreyer commented 1 month ago

The change addresses this issue by attributing the newly introduced waste emissions in REMIND to sectors via a post-processing in the reportEmi() function. Waste emissions are thereby removed from taxonomy of energy emissions (variables with +), such that e.g. Emi|CO2|Energy|+|Waste (Mt CO2/yr) becomes Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste (Mt CO2/yr).

The attribution to sectors happens in the following way:

These are the reported waste emissions variables with this change:

> grep("Emi\\|CO2\\|.*Waste", getNames(testReport, dim=3), value=T)
 [1] "Emi|CO2|pre-CCS|Energy|Demand|Industry|Other Industry|Solids|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"
 [2] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste|Plastics Incineration (Mt CO2/yr)"                        
 [3] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste|Feedstocks unknown fate (Mt CO2/yr)"                      
 [4] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                                              
 [5] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                                       
 [6] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                                       
 [7] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply|Electricity|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                           
 [8] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply|Heat|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                                  
 [9] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                              
[10] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Buildings|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                             
[11] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Solids|+|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"                     
[12] "Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Other Industry|Solids|+|Waste (Mt CO2/yr)"      
[13] "Emi|CO2|Cumulated|Energy|Waste (Mt CO2)" 

It was checked that all variable summations affected by this change are fulfilled. Moreover, waste emissions were added to the cs2 plots.

See example scenario plots: /p/projects/ariadne/remind/compScen-Check_WasteEmi_Reporting-2024-08-12_13.56.28-H12.pdf.

Tagging @robinhasse and @orichters fyi.

orichters commented 1 month ago

A challenge that I see is that the fix for NAVIGATE and similar for AR6 will then yield the wrong result. But I would also prefer not to take it out because ideally piamInterfaces yields correct results also with older mif files.

The a bit ugly solution I see is subtracting Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste|Feedstocks unknown fate and Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste|Plastics Incineration again from the variables, neutralizing the fix for people that have the new reporting.

Then, after the next release is out, of course, kick these fixes all out. Best, Oliver

0UmfHxcvx5J7JoaOhFSs5mncnisTJJ6q commented 1 month ago

Waste emissions are thereby removed from taxonomy of energy emissions (variables with +), such that e.g. Emi|CO2|Energy|+|Waste (Mt CO2/yr) becomes Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste (Mt CO2/yr).

I would challenge this statement. They are removed from the automated summation checks, but the plus-notation does not constitute a taxonomy. Not in my view, and I expect not in the view of people only "consuming" REMIND output, which usually never see any variables with the plus-notation.

Is my understanding correct that the Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste equals the sum of Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply|Waste and Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Waste? The IEA has "MEMO" categories for that, maybe we should do that too.

orichters commented 1 month ago

I agree with Michaja on this one. Emi|CO2|Energy Supply and Demand|Waste? That would be very transparent and also avoid the piamInterfaces mess.

We have such variables sometimes, such Emi|CO|Energy Supply and Demand.

Which leads me to the question why it is Emi|CO|Energy Demand|Buildings but Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Buildings, notice the difference between using " " or "|" between Energy and Demand. So maybe rather use Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply and Demand|Waste and adapt that for the rest as well?

fschreyer commented 1 month ago

Is my understanding correct that the Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste equals the sum of Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply|Waste and Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Waste?


The IEA has "MEMO" categories for that, maybe we should do that too.

Sounds like a larger project.

I agree with Michaja on this one. Emi|CO2|Energy Supply and Demand|Waste? That would be very transparent and also avoid the piamInterfaces mess.

Not sure I understand this right. So, you would like to rename Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste to Emi|CO2|Energy Supply and Demand|Waste because people would then understand more easily that Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste is contained in Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste|Supply and Emi|CO2|Energy|Waste|Demand and not a separate item. Well, then we would also need to come up with something for Emi|CO2|Energy|Supply|Electricity+Heat... to make clear that Supply|Waste is included there. That does not seem practical. I guess we'd rather need Memo items as Michaja suggested.

Generally, people "consuming" REMIND mif-files without pluses (or without knowing what they mean) can, in theory, anyways only guess taxonomies. Like from the naming structure they would not know that they should not add up Energy|Demand|Solids and Energy|Demand|Industry. I am unsure of whether our naming decision here can be of any help to their hard lifes. I think staying close to the IAMC naming standard (Energy|Waste, Energy|Demand|Waste ...) is the most useful as this is what people in our group are used to.

Which leads me to the question why it is Emi|CO|Energy Demand|Buildings but Emi|CO2|Energy|Demand|Buildings, notice the difference between using " " or "|" between Energy and Demand.

The power of choosing variable names when there is no standard.

fschreyer commented 1 month ago

Attribution of waste emissions to industry subsectors is now based on sectoral solids share in total industry solids to minimize the issues raised above.