pika / pika

Pure Python RabbitMQ/AMQP 0-9-1 client library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Duplicate callback found for "0:Connection.Unblocked" #1052

Open yuxifu opened 6 years ago

yuxifu commented 6 years ago

We are using BlockingConnection and basic_get and no callback function. How come we got a lot of Duplicate callback found for "0:Connection.Unblocked" errors? We use pika 0.11.2

Any idea? or thoughts?

lukebakken commented 6 years ago

Hello! Please share the code you are using. I will re-open this issue if I can reproduce. Thanks!

yuxifu commented 6 years ago

It's not always reproducible. Basically this is what I do:

def consume_until_empty_or_expire(self, channel, callback=None, expires_sec=0, echo=False):
        consume the messages in the queue until no message available
        callback: func(event_data)
        expires_sec: quit consuming after certain time. <=0, never expires.
        start_time = time.time()
        if callback is None:
            callback = self._default_consume_until_empty_callback
        total = 0
        processed = 0
        returned = 0
        skipped = 0
        message_count = 0
        while True:
            elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
            if expires_sec > 0 and elapsed_time >= expires_sec:
                return {
                    'success': True,
                    'total': total,
                    'processed': processed,
                    'returned': returned,
                    'skipped': skipped,
                    'message_count': message_count,
                    'elapsed_time_sec': elapsed_time
            method_frame, header_frame, body = channel.basic_get(
            if method_frame is None or method_frame.NAME == 'Basic.GetEmpty':
                return {
                    'success': True,
                    'total': total,
                    'processed': processed,
                    'returned': returned,
                    'skipped': skipped,
                    'message_count': message_count,
                    'elapsed_time_sec': elapsed_time
                event_data = {}
                event_data['frame'] = vars(method_frame)
                event_data['header'] = vars(header_frame)
                event_data['body'] = json.loads(body)
                message_count = event_data['frame']['message_count']
                total += 1
                result = callback(event_data)
                if result == EventProcessingResult.PROCESSED:
                    processed += 1
                if result == EventProcessingResult.SKIPPED:
                    skipped += 1
                if result == EventProcessingResult.RETURED:
                    returned += 1
                if echo:
                    print event_data['frame']['routing_key'] + ': ' + result

Nothing really fancy. Probably this is related:

if instance.queue_ttl_min > 0:
                queue_args = {"x-expires": instance.queue_ttl_min * 60000}

I did not really see the problem until started to use "x-expires". Could be a coincidence, though.

benizri-ofir commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm getting the same messages : Duplicate callback found for "0:Connection.Unblocked"

did you solve this?

lukebakken commented 5 years ago

@benizri-ofir - please provide code that can reproduce this, or at the very least, a working set of code or steps that might reproduce the issue.

nkborisov commented 4 years ago

Hi did you resolve that bug? I'm getting same stuff with BlockingConnection

lukebakken commented 4 years ago

@nkborisov no, I never received the requested information. There is no evidence at this point of a bug in Pika.

nkborisov commented 4 years ago

@lukebakken Thank you for your answer So let me try to describe my case, throught i'm not sure, that it's exactly a bug of pika. Perhaps it's some kind of wrong using scenario or something like that. I have following simple code:

class QueueConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, pair_node_id, conn_params, msg_queue, is_master):
        self.is_master = is_master
        self.reconnect_delay = 1  # sec
        self.node_id = pair_node_id
        self.thread = None
        self.is_running = False
        self.connection = None
        self.attempts_count = 1
        self.channel = None
        self.conn_params = conn_params
        self.msg_queue = msg_queue
        self.queue_name = None  

    def retrieve_queue_name(node_id, pair_node_id, is_master):
        nodes = sorted([int(node_id), int(pair_node_id)])
        queue_name = "{}_{}_".format(nodes[0], nodes[1])
        queue_name += "TX_QUEUE" if is_master else "RX_QUEUE"
        return queue_name

    def start(self):
        if self.is_running:
            raise RuntimeError("{} is already running for node #{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.node_id))
        self.is_running = True
        self.thread = Thread(target=self._loop, name="Thread [{}({})]".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.node_id))

    def stop(self):
        if not self.is_running or self.thread is None:
        self.is_running = False
        except RuntimeError:
            log.warning("Thread[{}({})] join timeout".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.node_id))

    def _connect(self, conn_params):
        self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(conn_params)
        self.channel = self.connection.channel()
        self.channel.queue_declare(queue=self.queue_name, auto_delete=False, durable=False)

    def _disconnect(self):
        if not self.connection.is_closed:

    def _reconnect(self):
        log.info('Connection recovering {} with node #{}, attempt {}...'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
            log.info('Connection was deleted')
        except Exception as e:
            log.error('Exception caught while reconnecting attempt: {}: {}'
                      ' (next will be performed after {} seconds...)'.format(e, e.message,
            self.attempts_count += 1
        self.attempts_count = 1
        log.info('Connection {} with node #{} was successfully recovered'.format(self.__class__.__name__,

    def _process_queue(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _loop(self):
        assert self.connection is not None
        loop_name = self.__class__.__name__
        while self.is_running:
            if self.connection.is_open:
                except pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:
                except pika.exceptions.AMQPChannelError as exc:
                    log.error("{} channel error {}".format(loop_name, exc))
                except pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError as exc:
                    log.error("{} connection error {}".format(loop_name, exc))
                except NotImplementedError:
                    log.error("{} process_queue method isn't implemented".format(loop_name))
                    self.is_running = False
            elif self.connection.is_closed:

That class is base for two inheritances - SenderConnection and ReceiverConnection (just dummy handlers of user queues). Top-level code has been creating one instance of each class with following connection parameters:

conn_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=rabbit_host, port=int(rabbit_port), socket_timeout=1, heartbeat=server_heartbeat_interval, blocked_connection_timeout=server_heartbeat_interval * 2, credentials=ExternalCredentials(), ssl=True, ssl_options=ssl_opts)

Next in RabbitMQ management plugin has been reproducing connection failure situation by force closing. As a result i got following log every time:

2020-01-14 07:50:48,855|WRN|7f25c6a9a700|pika.callback|Duplicate callback found for "0:Connection.Blocked" 2020-01-14 07:50:48,856|WRN|7f25c6a9a700|pika.callback|Duplicate callback found for "0:Connection.Unblocked" 2020-01-14 07:50:48,856|ERR|7f25c6a9a700|pika.adapters.blocking_connection|Connection close detected; result=BlockingConnection__OnClosedArgs(connection=<SelectConnection CLOSED socket=None params=>, reason_code=320, reason_text='CONNECTION_FORCED - Closed via management plugin') 2020-01-14 07:50:48,857|WRN|7f25c6a9a700|queue_connection|ReceiverQueueConnection connection with node #2 lost 2020-01-14 07:50:48,857|INF|7f25c6a9a700|queue_connection|Connection recovering ReceiverQueueConnection with node #2, attempt 1... 2020-01-14 07:50:48,859|INF|7f25c6a9a700|queue_connection|Connection was deleted 2020-01-14 07:50:48,903|INF|7f25c6a9a700|queue_connection|Connection ReceiverQueueConnection with node #2 was successfully recovered

"Duplicate callback" log warning appears every time just before expected message about the connection closing event. By debugging i understood that the warning message always appears before any calls of BlockingConnection constructors and destructors. It seems very strange for me.

lukebakken commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't worry too much about it. See #894 and #192

At some point I may have time to track that warning down to fix it. Not any time soon.

ikiss commented 3 years ago

The problem occurred also in my case (for both blocked/unblocked callbacks). Did some additional tracing and looks like during the Connection::_on_terminate call block/unblock callbacks are unregistered and a connection reset is performed - where the block/unblock callbacks are re-registered. However the unregister callback from Callback::remove has a bug - in case you do not provide a callback_value - it will not remove all callbacks for the provided prefix/key - as mentioned in the documentation

 def remove(self, prefix, key, callback_value=None, arguments=None):
        """Remove a callback from the stack by prefix, key and optionally
        the callback itself. **If you only pass in prefix and key, all
        callbacks for that prefix and key will be removed.**

        :param str or int prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
        :param str key: The callback key
        :param method callback_value: The method defined to call on callback
        :param dict arguments: Optional arguments to check
        :rtype: bool

        if callback_value:
            offsets_to_remove = list()
            for offset in xrange(len(self._stack[prefix][key]), 0, -1):
                callback_dict = self._stack[prefix][key][offset - 1]

                if (callback_dict[self.CALLBACK] == callback_value and
                    self._arguments_match(callback_dict, [arguments])):
                    offsets_to_remove.append(offset - 1)

            for offset in offsets_to_remove:
                    LOGGER.debug('Removing callback #%i: %r', offset,
                    del self._stack[prefix][key][offset]
                except KeyError:
        self._cleanup_callback_dict(prefix, key)

        return True

The solution would be to call the remove_all method in case the callback_value is not provided

 def remove(self, prefix, key, callback_value=None, arguments=None):
        """Remove a callback from the stack by prefix, key and optionally
        the callback itself. If you only pass in prefix and key, all
        callbacks for that prefix and key will be removed.

        :param str or int prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
        :param str key: The callback key
        :param method callback_value: The method defined to call on callback
        :param dict arguments: Optional arguments to check
        :rtype: bool

        if callback_value:
            offsets_to_remove = list()
            for offset in xrange(len(self._stack[prefix][key]), 0, -1):
                callback_dict = self._stack[prefix][key][offset - 1]

                if (callback_dict[self.CALLBACK] == callback_value and
                    self._arguments_match(callback_dict, [arguments])):
                    offsets_to_remove.append(offset - 1)

            for offset in offsets_to_remove:
                    LOGGER.debug('Removing callback #%i: %r', offset,
                    del self._stack[prefix][key][offset]
                except KeyError:
            self._cleanup_callback_dict(prefix, key)
            self.remove_all(prefix, key)**

        return True

Apparently this problem was introduced with #192