pikasTech / PikaPython

An ultra-lightweight Python interpreter that runs with only 4KB of RAM, zero dependencies. It is ready to use out of the box without any configuration required and easy to extend with C. Similar project: MicroPython, JerryScript.
MIT License
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USB Communication Device Class (CDC) Serial/UART? #292

Closed rog77 closed 1 year ago

rog77 commented 1 year ago

Might you please consider adding in the functionality to allow USB CDC connection to REPL, maybe using the CherryUSB library? Now that Sipeed are pushing out more Bouffalo Lab Bl702/BL616 boards that can run PikaPython via FreeRTOS*, this could increase your user base by making your software just a little easier to use out of the box.

pikasTech commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback. You can override the following WEAK function to redirect REPL, including the USB CDC.

char pika_platform_getchar();
int pika_platform_putchar(char ch);

We are also working on porting Cherry USB to this project. Please stay tuned for our updates.

rog77 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response, I will keep an eye on this, it seems like a great project!

Is it a big job to do that over-riding? I am OK with python, not so much with C... I've run cdc examples from BL_SDK, but am not totally sure how it could link into your code.

pikasTech commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response, I will keep an eye on this, it seems like a great project!

Is it a big job to do that over-riding? I am OK with python, not so much with C... I've run cdc examples from BL_SDK, but am not totally sure how it could link into your code.

The adapter of Bo Liu is what I am maintaining. I will prioritize using usb cdc to support repl, if the hardware supports it.

pikasTech commented 1 year ago

the doc for bl616/618 http://pikascript.com/doc/board_sipeed_m0p.html you can get some info from it.

the english document will comming soon

rog77 commented 1 year ago

Thank again for the response, I look forward to hearing the outcome of your efforts - much appreciated.

pikasTech commented 1 year ago

Thank again for the response, I look forward to hearing the outcome of your efforts - much appreciated.

I'm currently merging support for USB_CDC into the mainline. You can find more information about this process in the following pull request: https://github.com/bouffalolab/bl_mcu_sdk/pull/120. Once the integration is complete, USB_CDC will become the default REPL port.

rog77 commented 1 year ago

That's great news, thank you!

If you're in the mood to do more USB stuff, might I suggest Host/USB-OTG HID for keyboard input?

I have a good reason for asking - the BL616 will be the onboard MCU programer for the Sipeed Tang Nano 20K FPGA.

With this modification, and what you have already done I can see PikaPython being nearly a vaible firmware for the TN20K - this would open the door to all sorts of possibilities, not least PikaPython being adopted as an OS for a 'stand alone' computer with USB/HDMI...

...The TN20K will probably be quite popular as a retro-computer emulator, especially if PikaPython can control the FPGA - the BL616 chip is capable, it is all about the firmware - a device that can interactively select & flash bitstreams from onboard SD Card using MCU into FPGA SRAM via JTAG would be a game changer.

This, I am sure, would increase your userbase and add value for everyone.

pikasTech commented 1 year ago

That's great news, thank you!

If you're in the mood to do more USB stuff, might I suggest Host/USB-OTG HID for keyboard input?

I have a good reason for asking - the BL616 will be the onboard MCU programer for the Sipeed Tang Nano 20K FPGA.

With this modification, and what you have already done I can see PikaPython being nearly a vaible firmware for the TN20K - this would open the door to all sorts of possibilities, not least PikaPython being adopted as an OS for a 'stand alone' computer with USB/HDMI...

...The TN20K will probably be quite popular as a retro-computer emulator, especially if PikaPython can control the FPGA - the BL616 chip is capable, it is all about the firmware - a device that can interactively select & flash bitstreams from onboard SD Card using MCU into FPGA SRAM via JTAG would be a game changer.

This, I am sure, would increase your userbase and add value for everyone.

Thank you for your suggestion and for sharing your exciting idea with me. However, I'm afraid I have to decline your request as my time and resources are limited, and I am not able to work on the Host/USB-OTG HID for keyboard input at the moment. Additionally, the Nano 20K's 616 firmware is not open for development.

While I understand the potential benefits of PikaPython being adopted as an OS for a 'stand alone' computer with USB/HDMI, I am unable to commit to any further development at this time. I appreciate your interest and support, and I wish you the best of luck with your project.

rog77 commented 1 year ago

Perfectly understandable. Thank you again for what you have already done! If I work out how to get HID going I will let you know. All the best.