pikdum / steam-deck

steam deck tools, currently only vortex
MIT License
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One_Time_Multi_Game_Setup_Script #76

Open VirtualShaman opened 3 months ago

VirtualShaman commented 3 months ago

As the title suggests this is a script with the goal of setting up all supported intalled and managed games with a single click/command. The note in the README about symlinks inspired this. Not sure how this will be recieved but so far it seems to work well with Fallout New Vegas

pikdum commented 3 months ago

Yeah, seems like a solid approach. My last attempt was trying to do it dynamically, but not sure that'd work 100%.

Do you think this could be a better fit for https://github.com/pikdum/vortex-linux instead though, that way we could use javascript instead of bash? This seems like a lot to maintain as a bash script.

Maybe something like ./vortex-linux installSymlinks and ./vortex-linux uninstallSymlinks?

Anyways, I'm fine merging whatever if it's working, tested, and doesn't break things for people using the other method.

VirtualShaman commented 3 months ago

Thanks for pointing that about. I may look into converting this.I'm happy to rework this to whatever you think is best (I use Typescript for my job so I'm comfortable with JavaScript and happy to work with it)

This works for Fallout NV and is currently the only game enabled in this script. ATM I'm only interested in modding my Tale of Two wastelands install so Fallout NV is the only game I have setup to test.

Another possibility is changing this script to work as a hook to symlink scripts for other games as more are added which may be easier to maintain.

VirtualShaman commented 3 months ago

I took a quick look at the github you linked. I think this functionality could be added but one of the big things I like about this project are the desktop links for simple setup. I like that even someone with no knowledge of the terminal could download and run these scripts by clicking a few desktop links.

pikdum commented 3 months ago

This project uses that one for the heavy-lifting related to Vortex, so from an end-user perspective it makes no difference where we put the logic.