pikktorr / collider-two

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Projects: full height cards + dynamic icons #8

Open pikktorr opened 1 year ago

pikktorr commented 1 year ago

`To make the children of a flex container use the full height of the parent element, you can use the height: 100% CSS property on the children.

For example, suppose you have the following HTML structure:

Copy code

Child 1
Child 2

You can make the .child1 and .child2 elements use the full height of the .parent element by applying the height: 100% property to them like this:

Copy code .parent { display: flex; height: 300px; / Set the desired height of the parent element / }

.child1, .child2 { height: 100%; / Make the children use the full height of the parent / } This will make the .child1 and .child2 elements stretch to fill the full height of the .parent element.

Note that this will only work if the .parent element has a fixed height, or if it is sized using the height: auto property. If the .parent element does not have a fixed height, the children will not be able to use the full height of the parent.`