pili-engineering / PLDroidPlayer

PLDroidPlayer 是七牛推出的一款免费的适用于 Android 平台的播放器 SDK,采用全自研的跨平台播放内核,拥有丰富的功能和优异的性能,可高度定制化和二次开发。
4.54k stars 956 forks source link

E/@@@QCLOG: Err T533654F0 CHTTPClient L1517 fcntl RETURN r=0 #1278

Open JKDong404 opened 2 years ago

JKDong404 commented 2 years ago

播放hls地址视频报错 I/@@@QCLOG: Info T533864F0 CAnalPandora L117 report event called Info T533864F0 CAnalPandora L231 report http body=[{"raw": "[{\"event_id\": \"qlayer.open_end\",\"url\": \"http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/hls.m3u8\",\"position\": \"0\",\"play_type\": \"1\",\"session_id\": \"ybP1XHGB-9BHzUAhi-AK9mcuiR-77552247\",\"app_id\": \"com.pili.pldroid.playerdemo\",\"app_version\": \"2.3.0\",\"qplayer_version\": \"\",\"device_type\": \"HUAWEI\",\"device_os\": \"Android\",\"device_os_version\": \"8.0.0\",\"device_id\": \"164437669266670\",\"client_ip\": \"\",\"network_type\": \"WIFI\",,\"result\": \"0\"}]","timestamp": 1644377552615,"sourcetype": "json","repo": "qplayer_apm"}] QCMSG 3QC_MSG_PLAY_OPEN_DONE 00 : 00 : 00 : 345 0 -1
I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529134F0 UThreadFunc L192 get succ hHandle:538256159984, policy:0, param.sched_priority:0 Info T529134F0 UThreadFunc L203 set succ hHandle:538256159984, policy:0, param.sched_priority:0 Info T529134F0 CQCSource L153 loop read buff wait=0 Info T529134F0 CQCSource L229 need buffing=1 I/@@@QCLOG: Info T528F24F0 UThreadFunc L192 get succ hHandle:538256024816, policy:0, param.sched_priority:0 Info T528F24F0 UThreadFunc L203 set succ hHandle:538256024816, policy:0, param.sched_priority:0 I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 C_M3U_Manager L1796 the PlayList Id:0, the sequenceId:197 Info T529344F0 C_HLS_Entity L830 Key sequence Id value:197 Info T529344F0 C_HLS_Entity L208 the start time:7900, the duration:3950, the drm type:1, the ulFlag:1, the deadtime:891600, the url:2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts, the root url:http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/hls.m3u8, the playlist id:0, the seq id:197,the chapter id:0 I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L327 ----CHTTPIO2::SetParam Value is 41200001 start. Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L340 CHTTPIO2::SetParam DEEP=1 Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L348 ----CHTTPIO2::SetParam leave! rc = 0. Used Time: 1 Info T529344F0 CAdaptiveStreamHLS L632 Notify url http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L327 ----CHTTPIO2::Open Value is 00000000 start. I/QPlayer: postEventFromNative: 1600000c, 0, 0, null I/@@@QCLOG: QCMSG 3QC_MSG_PLAY_RUN 00 : 00 : 00 : 367 0 0
I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 CHTTPIO2 L730 Connect url is http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts . Info T529344F0 CHTTPIO2 L739 Try to connect server at 0 times. I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 CHTTPIO2 L741 Connect url is http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts . Info T529344F0 CHTTPClient L231 http connect url = http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L327 --------CHTTPClient::Connect Value is 00000000 start. I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 CHTTPClient L713 The connect IP is I/QPlayer: postEventFromNative: 18000016, 0, 0, null I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 CHTTPClient L306 Parse DNS used time = 0 Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L327 ------------CHTTPClient::ConnectServer Value is 00002710 start. I/@@@QCLOG: Info T533864F0 CAnalPandora L117 report event called D/OpenGLRenderer: HWUI Binary is disabled I/@@@QCLOG: Info T533864F0 CAnalPandora L231 report http body=[{"raw": "[{\"event_id\": \"qlayer.buffer_start\",\"url\": \"http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/hls.m3u8\",\"position\": \"0\",\"play_type\": \"1\",\"session_id\": \"ybP1XHGB-9BHzUAhi-AK9mcuiR-77552247\",\"app_id\": \"com.pili.pldroid.playerdemo\",\"app_version\": \"2.3.0\",\"qplayer_version\": \"\",\"device_type\": \"HUAWEI\",\"device_os\": \"Android\",\"device_os_version\": \"8.0.0\",\"device_id\": \"164437669266670\",\"client_ip\": \"\",\"network_type\": \"WIFI\",}]","timestamp": 1644377552621,"sourcetype": "json","repo": "qplayer_apm"}] QCMSG 4QC_MSG_BUFF_START_BUFFERING 00 : 00 : 00 : 370 0 -1
I/QPlayer: postEventFromNative: 12000011, 0, 0, http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts E/@@@QCLOG: Err T529344F0 CHTTPClient L1517 fcntl RETURN r=0 I/@@@QCLOG: QCMSG 4Unknow ID 0X12000011 00 : 00 : 00 : 372 0 0 http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts I/QPlayer: postEventFromNative: 11000001, 859981, 0, null I/@@@QCLOG: QCMSG 4QC_MSG_HTTP_CONNECT_START 00 : 00 : 00 : 375 0 0 http://yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880/live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts I/QPlayer: postEventFromNative: 11000004, 859981, 0, null I/@@@QCLOG: QCMSG 4QC_MSG_HTTP_DNS_START 00 : 00 : 00 : 375 0 0 yg.shianxiaoyuan.com QCMSG 4QC_MSG_HTTP_DNS_GET_CACHE 00 : 00 : 00 : 375 0 0 D/OpenGLRenderer: HWUI Binary is disabled I/QPlayer: change state State: BUFFERING onInfo: 701, 0, null I/PLVideoViewActivity: OnInfo, what = 701, extra = 0 I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L340 CHTTPClient::ConnectServer DEEP=3 I/@@@QCLOG: Info T529344F0 QCFuncLog L348 ------------CHTTPClient::ConnectServer leave! rc = 0. Used Time: 60 Info T529344F0 CHTTPClient L883 request http:GET /live/rhy00489/2022-02-09/11/32-16_197.ts HTTP/1.1 Host: yg.shianxiaoyuan.com:8880 User-Agent: QPlayer Engine Connection: keep - alive Info T529344F0 CHTTPClient L185 start http recv I/QPlayer: postEventFromNative: 11000003, 860041, 0, null I/@@@QCLOG: QCMSG 4QC_MSG_HTTP_CONNECT_SUCESS 00 : 00 : 00 : 435 0 0
I/QPlayer: onInfo: 200, 860041, null