pillar-markup / Microdown

Microdown is a cleaned and simpler markdown but with more powerful features such as extensions.
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Check HTML export of annotatedParagraph #846

Open Ducasse opened 1 month ago

Ducasse commented 1 month ago

We should also support Annotated in HTML For this we should check what are the possibility to have a little frame around the text.

Ducasse commented 1 month ago

@hernanmd do you some idea? I think that we should emit a class tag and the css should manage this

Capture 2024-08-09 at 10 14 10

Ducasse commented 1 month ago

This makes me think that we could have


to represent annotate paragraph and


for quoteBlock to be closer to github. Like that !! can be used for something else.

Ducasse commented 1 month ago

We should discuss about this.

hernanmd commented 1 month ago

To add a frame around the text, we can use the <blockquote> or <pre> tags, which are styled by default by classless frameworks (they apply styles to standard HTML elements without the need for additional classes).

So we can apply a styled border to certain HTML elements without requiring additional classes.

Ducasse commented 1 month ago


Ducasse commented 1 month ago
> [!Caution] **Gras** 
> oui du gras

[!Caution] oui du gras

Ducasse commented 1 month ago
>[! Important ] on ignore si il a du texte
Ducasse commented 1 month ago
>[! Important  on ignore si il a du texte

Ici on genere la meme chose que

> Important  on ignore si il a du texte

comme cela on force l'utilisateur a utiliser le ]

Ducasse commented 1 week ago

I added the support for a backward compatible syntaxt eg !!note