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v0.55 SABnzbd Integration - Space in URL #158

Open albino1 opened 8 years ago

albino1 commented 8 years ago

In the new version something has changed in how NZBM sends URLs to SABnzbd. Both with and without warping enabled you get a space in the URL. With warping enabled it will still send, but if you disable warping (the default) SAB is unable to retrieve the URL and gives a retry countdown WAIT XX sec error as it tries repeatedly to fetch.

Going back and forth between v0.53 and v0.55 the only difference I can see is the URL itself. Here's an example URL from v0.53:

And now here are some examples from v0.55...

Warp Enabled: warp?x=12345689==

Warp Disabled: https://indexer.com/getnzb/0123456789.nzb&i=12345&r=abcdefghijk

As you can see a space has been added between / warp and / https which would seem to be what's making it fail.

In the meantime, I've reverted back to v0.53 for daily use, but I'll be happy to test any changes.

donkeyhigh commented 8 years ago

Started working for me when I enabled Warping.. weird..