pillone / usntssearch

NZB Metasearch engine
263 stars 79 forks source link

0.46 RC1 -- feedback and bugs #95

Closed pillone closed 10 years ago

pillone commented 10 years ago

Comments/feedback are welcome.


Riz0 commented 10 years ago

It works well! 24hrs or so and SB hasn't thrown any errors since specifying a smaller list of indices for automated searches.

Although occasionally I do see the DeepsearchModule throw this warning for "Newznab Host (Web)" sites in the logs:

2013-11-15 08:28:22,819 - DeepsearchModule - WARNING - Fetched exception login: HTTP Error 302: Found - https://www.bestsitever.com 2013-11-15 08:28:22,819 - DeepsearchModule - INFO - Reset cookies 2013-11-15 08:28:23,112 - DeepsearchModule - WARNING - Fetched exception login: HTTP Error 302: Moved Temporarily - https://www.bestsitever2.com 2013-11-15 08:28:23,114 - DeepsearchModule - INFO - Reset cookies

Whenever it happens, it affects all of them at once meaning none of the them return results. Guess one of them fetches an exception and ruins operation for the others. Shortly after, I manually check the sites and find no issue logging in :/. Doesn't happen very often (maybe 1/6th of the time), thought you would like to know anyhow.

Another tidbit, when the exception is fetched on manual searches, the mini "Connectivity" log on the results page will display "ERROR (100): Incorrect user credentials" for all newznab host (web) sites. The actual log doesn't give me much explanation than what I posted above.

Works great otherwise, thanks again!

pillone commented 10 years ago

that's all fine. Those happen when cookies expire for NZB web-based providers, so a new auth is required

any feedback for the extended NZB analysis?

Riz0 commented 10 years ago

@pillone Ah, good to know.

What is "extended NZB analysis" and how should I further test it? If you're referring to "search extended", it's worked fine as always. I see no other configs for extended analysis...

pillone commented 10 years ago

click on 'advanced' after a successful search.

That gives the option of analyzing the composition of a NZB, including the quantity of (theoretically present) par2 files...

pillone commented 10 years ago

046 rolled out
