pilotmoon / Scroll-Reverser

Per-device scrolling prefs on macOS.
Apache License 2.0
2.48k stars 134 forks source link

Apps whitelist / blacklist ? #123

Open guischmo opened 3 years ago

guischmo commented 3 years ago

Hi, sometomes I would like to disable the scroll reverse for some App (games for example), is it possible to add a blacklist so that there is no reverse on chosen apps ?

Thanks a lot.

pilotmoon commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! I am not sure if this is actually possible or not. But it makes sense as a feature. I will keep it in mind and maybe have a play on this theme next time I am tinkering in the code.

fleytman commented 2 years ago

Scroll-Reverser invert scroll on MonitorControl. Add pls MonitorControl to blacklist.

Solander commented 9 months ago

@pilotmoon Have you had a look at it and know if it's possible? I'm also having a specific app where it would be preferable to have it disabled as a default so I'm thinking if it's worth having a look or if you've already deemed it a lost cause.

pilotmoon commented 9 months ago

I think it would be possible to do it simply by checking what the active app is. The work would require not just getting the mechanism working but also adding a UI to select the app. I am not actively working on Scroll Reverser, but high-quality pull requests would certainly be considered.