pilotmoon / Scroll-Reverser

Per-device scrolling prefs on macOS.
Apache License 2.0
2.51k stars 135 forks source link

requires keystrokes events permission #83

Closed jagdishjadeja closed 3 years ago

jagdishjadeja commented 4 years ago

why does it requires keystrokes events?

pilotmoon commented 3 years ago

Scroll Reverser monitors gestures on the trackpad, which comes under the category of Input Monitoring. Scroll Reverser does not monitor keystrokes.

charleshan commented 3 years ago

I think this should become optional. Many people use scroll reverser to reverse scrolling for just the mouse.

pilotmoon commented 3 years ago

It cannot be made optional. To reverse just the mouse, it first has to detect whether you are using the trackpad or the mouse. Gesture monitoring is the method it uses to do that, by detecting detects fingers on the trackpad or not while scrolling.

If you don't use a trackpad at all, and just need to reverse the mouse, then you can set the scrolling direction for all scrolling, directly in System Preferences.

charleshan commented 3 years ago

I was afraid that that might be the case. Thanks for the clarification.