pilvijo / Earn-on-energy

Sharing an idea to earn on energy in small self-sufficient communities
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Open pilvijo opened 2 years ago

pilvijo commented 2 years ago

Decentralized self-sufficient energy-communities

The solution I am suggesting is related to entity of written above. I sure know there are some implementations already of the technical part of the entity. What is my point then?

The end-users of energy-community can trade with energy with each other, earn some extra and use the earnings in virtual market. (stake, NFTs etc.).

Conclusion: all the members of community don't have to own micro-production devices, the can have passive role and still use green energy, which is produced in the community. Great use of resources!

Future development: The community can also have a storage and later on there might be a possibility to buy energy straight from windmills or other powerplants. The storage is actually going to be technically in middle of everything, taking care of optimization, energy purchase for customer, and trade (payment management). The first step is to build a energystorage with all relevant skills (take look at the process picture).

Also it is possible to add new elements/resources to community use: heating&cooling, water, share of some devices, share of food...

What is needed: digital connections, blockchain/AI to implementation and dApp for enduser. Why all this: green energy production and use, self-sufficiency, preparedness in critical situations, economical benefits for society, own your energy.

How: dApp > with the help of community and professionals.



pilvijo commented 1 year ago

Selfsufficiensy storages.pdf My latest conclusion is to simplify the entity, share it to smaller sub-entities to make it easier to build. At the same time the focus is more clear with the solution. It must be started from the storage. Energystorage is in the center technically. The software must be build around it and it is the trading partner with the production as well as the community. Comments please. (Partly in Finnish for good reason). Updated version below Energiavarasto Ennie.pdf

pilvijo commented 1 year ago

Processpicture I am working on. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w5WWIuhXrvwtHJqzrYiXpSrbxKEHEsE5/view?usp=sharing

pilvijo commented 1 year ago

Finally: one more document related to forecasting weather and the energy. [SASSE.pdf](https://github.com/pilvijo/Earn-on-energy/files/9994505/SASSE.pdf)

pilvijo commented 1 year ago

Mural https://app.mural.co/invitation/mural/pilvijo8321/1667839244125?sender=u7eea8e85706cdc756ac46356&key=e07d67a8-c1a6-416e-8401-5a389ffefdc2

pilvijo commented 1 year ago


Need: which problem(s) does your proposal solve? This project deals with solution, which can improve carbonneutral future, self-sufficiency, preparedness, duality, decentralization and it includes business cases as well.

Approach: how does your project solve the problem(s)? Project needs partners who are willing to create something new and revolutionary.

In energy market there are quite solid and centralized actors, which is okay for now.

However the new world order (duality) needs and gives a possibility to something totally different. Still there are room for multiple range of solutions, as far as I can see today. Some roles might be questionable in the future and now is the time to join the changes or fade away.

Benefits: what are the benefits of your proposal? To the carbon-neutrality, self-sufficiency, decentralization, duality, preparedness, new business models and decent quality in everyday life.

Advantage: what gives your project the competitive edge? The uniqueness comes from combining the parts in the way it provides the best solution for certain circumstances and environment.

As mentioned the rural and isolated areas are also expensive and difficult to take care of with the solutions we have now.

The market for this solution is global.

Prospective Partners: what might you expect from prospective project partners? Setting up a group of people to evaluate the project together.

To continue with pilot-project, which has enough resources to create a global solution.

Critical resources to open the case: knowledge, economical and technical resources and desire to connect people in new way to achieve the goal of project.

pilvijo commented 1 year ago


What a design-system! So beautiful and fine desing-model, for everybody to use. There are real artists behind the model. My respect!