pilwon / node-yahoo-finance

Yahoo Finance historical quotes and snapshot data downloader written in Node.js
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Historical returns an extra row for LSE symbos with null prices (e.g. VOD.L) #64

Open ChristianTreo opened 5 years ago

ChristianTreo commented 5 years ago

When running historical quotes on any LSE stock, (with the *.L notation), historical() returns an extra day with null prices - see example below.

You can change the symbol between a US Stock, such as AAPL, and you won't get the additional day. It may be that yahoo doesn't provide a price for the most recent date in some cases (and in this example). Perhaps your code is expecting a number of days, and adding in the extra one - just a thought.

var yahooFinance = require('yahoo-finance');

  symbol: 'GLEN.L',
  from: '2019-07-03',
  to: '2019-07-05',
  // period: 'd'  // 'd' (daily), 'w' (weekly), 'm' (monthly), 'v' (dividends only)
}, function (err, quotes) {
    if (err) {
        console.log (err)
console.log (quotes)


[ { date: Thu Jul 04 2019 05:00:00 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time), 
    open: 275.700012, 
    high: 276.5, 
    low: 271.600006, 
    close: 272.700012, 
    adjClose: 272.700012, 
    volume: 30167384, 
    symbol: 'GLEN.L' }, 
  { date: Wed Jul 03 2019 05:00:00 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time), 
    open: 277.899994, 
    high: 280.549988, 
    low: 275.700012, 
    close: 276.850006, 
    adjClose: 276.850006, 
    volume: 53012321, 
    symbol: 'GLEN.L' }, 
  { date: Tue Jul 02 2019 05:00:00 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time), 
    open: null, 
    high: null, 
    low: null, 
    close: null, 
    adjClose: null, 
    volume: null, 
    symbol: 'GLEN.L' } ] 