pilwon / node-yahoo-finance

Yahoo Finance historical quotes and snapshot data downloader written in Node.js
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International indices/stocks not working with same from/to; timezone issue #71

Open anth87 opened 4 years ago

anth87 commented 4 years ago

Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to access non-US indices/stocks using this API?

For example, neither "^AXJO" or "CBA.AX" seem to be working for me, yet these are quotes available on Yahoo Finance.

gadicc commented 4 years ago

Hey @anth87

Should be fine to access such stocks and indices. I tried now and had no problem, see results below.

The vast majority of problems people report here are due to caching issues on Yahoo's network or their system that resolve themselves with time. Try flushing your DNS cache, changing DNS servers, and if this is on a particular server try on your dev PC and vice versa, etc. And please do report back on your results either way :pray:

  summaryDetail: {
    maxAge: 1,
    priceHint: 2,
    previousClose: 5328.7,
    open: 5328.7,
    dayLow: 5328.7,
    dayHigh: 5412.4,
    regularMarketPreviousClose: 5328.7,
    regularMarketOpen: 5328.7,
    regularMarketDayLow: 5328.7,
    regularMarketDayHigh: 5412.4,
    volume: 0,
    regularMarketVolume: 0,
    averageVolume: 1121795,
    averageVolume10days: 824085,
    averageDailyVolume10Day: 824085,
    bid: 0,
    ask: 0,
    bidSize: 0,
    askSize: 0,
    fiftyTwoWeekLow: 4402.5,
    fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 7197.2,
    fiftyDayAverage: 5323.2817,
    twoHundredDayAverage: 6292.482,
    currency: 'AUD',
    fromCurrency: null,
    toCurrency: null,
    lastMarket: null,
    algorithm: null,
    tradeable: false
  price: {
    maxAge: 1,
    regularMarketChangePercent: 0.014281083,
    regularMarketChange: 76.09961,
    regularMarketTime: 2020-05-15T07:03:45.000Z,
    priceHint: 2,
    regularMarketPrice: 5404.8,
    regularMarketDayHigh: 5412.4,
    regularMarketDayLow: 5328.7,
    regularMarketVolume: 0,
    averageDailyVolume10Day: 824085,
    averageDailyVolume3Month: 1121795,
    regularMarketPreviousClose: 5328.7,
    regularMarketSource: 'DELAYED',
    regularMarketOpen: 5328.7,
    exchange: 'ASX',
    exchangeName: 'ASX',
    exchangeDataDelayedBy: 0,
    marketState: 'CLOSED',
    quoteType: 'INDEX',
    symbol: '^AXJO',
    underlyingSymbol: null,
    shortName: 'S&P/ASX 200',
    longName: null,
    currency: 'AUD',
    currencySymbol: 'A$',
    fromCurrency: null,
    toCurrency: null,
    lastMarket: null
  summaryDetail: {
    maxAge: 1,
    priceHint: 2,
    previousClose: 58.9,
    open: 59.5,
    dayLow: 58.91,
    dayHigh: 59.76,
    regularMarketPreviousClose: 58.9,
    regularMarketOpen: 59.5,
    regularMarketDayLow: 58.91,
    regularMarketDayHigh: 59.76,
    dividendRate: 4,
    dividendYield: 0.0671,
    exDividendDate: 2020-02-19T00:00:00.000Z,
    payoutRatio: 0.9472,
    fiveYearAvgDividendYield: 5.56,
    beta: 0.72426,
    trailingPE: 10.80885,
    forwardPE: 10.758122,
    volume: 2537091,
    regularMarketVolume: 2537091,
    averageVolume: 5683757,
    averageVolume10days: 3539468,
    averageDailyVolume10Day: 3539468,
    bid: 65.67,
    ask: 59.6,
    bidSize: 0,
    askSize: 0,
    marketCap: 105506299904,
    fiftyTwoWeekLow: 53.44,
    fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 91.05,
    priceToSalesTrailing12Months: 4.5745015,
    fiftyDayAverage: 60.630287,
    twoHundredDayAverage: 74.78105,
    trailingAnnualDividendRate: 4.31,
    trailingAnnualDividendYield: 0.07317487,
    currency: 'AUD',
    fromCurrency: null,
    toCurrency: null,
    lastMarket: null,
    algorithm: null,
    tradeable: false
  price: {
    maxAge: 1,
    regularMarketChangePercent: 0.0118844975,
    regularMarketChange: 0.69999695,
    regularMarketTime: 2020-05-15T06:10:33.000Z,
    priceHint: 2,
    regularMarketPrice: 59.6,
    regularMarketDayHigh: 59.76,
    regularMarketDayLow: 58.91,
    regularMarketVolume: 2537091,
    averageDailyVolume10Day: 3539468,
    averageDailyVolume3Month: 5683757,
    regularMarketPreviousClose: 58.9,
    regularMarketSource: 'DELAYED',
    regularMarketOpen: 59.5,
    exchange: 'ASX',
    exchangeName: 'ASX',
    exchangeDataDelayedBy: 0,
    marketState: 'CLOSED',
    quoteType: 'EQUITY',
    symbol: 'CBA.AX',
    underlyingSymbol: null,
    shortName: 'CWLTH BANK FPO',
    longName: 'Commonwealth Bank of Australia',
    currency: 'AUD',
    currencySymbol: 'A$',
    fromCurrency: null,
    toCurrency: null,
    lastMarket: null,
    marketCap: 105506299904
anth87 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @gadicc - I can confirm that these also work for me using the .quote() endpoint, however am having no luck with the .historical() endpoint. Can you also confirm this - and is this to be expected?

gadicc commented 4 years ago

Hey @anth87, as of right now this is working for me:

  symbol: '^CBA.AX',
  from: '2020-05-14'
}, function(err, history) {
    date: 2020-05-15T04:00:00.000Z,
    open: 59.5,
    high: 59.759998,
    low: 58.91,
    close: 59.599998,
    adjClose: 59.599998,
    volume: 2671452,
    symbol: 'CBA.AX'
    date: 2020-05-14T04:00:00.000Z,
    open: 59.400002,
    high: 59.59,
    low: 58.82,
    close: 58.900002,
    adjClose: 58.900002,
    volume: 4440061,
    symbol: 'CBA.AX'
  symbol: '^AXJO',
  from: '2020-05-14'
}, function(err, history) {
    date: 2020-05-15T04:00:00.000Z,
    open: 5328.700195,
    high: 5412.399902,
    low: 5328.700195,
    close: 5404.799805,
    adjClose: 5404.799805,
    volume: 750200,
    symbol: '^AXJO'
    date: 2020-05-14T04:00:00.000Z,
    open: 5421.700195,
    high: 5421.700195,
    low: 5328.700195,
    close: 5328.700195,
    adjClose: 5328.700195,
    volume: 829800,
    symbol: '^AXJO'

Can you let us know how you are calling historical() and what the results / errors are?

anth87 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @gadicc - this is also working for me. I was calling historical() with the same from and to date - and I believe this was causing no output to return, just an empty array.

Interestingly, if I use the same from and to date for ^GSPC (the S&P500), I still get a response.

In any case, I have what I need now so thank you very much for your help!

gadicc commented 4 years ago

Hey @anth87, thanks for reporting back. That's interesting to know.

The library parses the from and to from a string to a moment() object and ultimately converts to a unix timestamp before sending to Yahoo. So I guess between the different datetime of when the data is available for in foreign markets, and your local timezone, this is what results in this behaviour.

from and to also accept a Date() object. So you could give it an appropriate datetime that will match the range. Note in the output above the datetime for the historical record was e.g. 2020-05-14T04:00:00.000Z (i.e. 4am UTC). Presumably Yahoo to > from and <= to.

You can leave this issue open, I'll give it some thought if perhaps we should assume a certain timezone when doing the conversion.

gadicc commented 4 years ago

If you can rename the title to: "International indices/stocks not working with same from/to; timezone issue" that would be great :)