pilwon / ultimate-seed

{MEAN Stack on Steroids} The ultimate full-stack AngularJS + Node.js/Express seed (batteries included!) that makes web developers insanely productive. (Angular, AngularUI, Barbeque, Bootstrap, Bower, Browserify, Docker, Express, Font Awesome, Grunt, Handlebars, jQuery, JSHint, Karma/Mocha, LESS/LESSHat, Livereload, Lodash/Underscore, Modernizr, MongoDB/Mongoose, Passport for Facebook/Google/Twitter, Redis, SocketIO, Source Maps, Uglify, Winston)
852 stars 179 forks source link

Can't start server ,Waiting...Warning: EMFILE: Too many opened files. #129

Open etamity opened 10 years ago

etamity commented 10 years ago

Running "symlinkDev" task Resolved symlinks: /Users/joey/Documents/server/social/client/fonts

Running "cachebust:dev" (cachebust) task

Running "serverDev" task

Running "express:server" (express) task Running "express-start" task debug: [app] app.project: { "path": { "bower": "client/js/node_modules/bower_components", "client": "client", "config": "config", "dist": "client-built", "log": "log", "server": "server", "static": "static", "test": "test", "temp": ".tmp" }, "server": { "livereload": 35729, "port": 3000, "repl": false } } debug: [app] app.config (development): { "api": { "aws": { "key": "@@@@@", "secret": "@@@@@" }, "facebook": { "appId": "@@@@@", "appSecret": "@@@@@" }, "google": { "clientId": "@@@@@", "clientSecret": "@@@@@" }, "rackspace": { "username": "@@@@@", "apiKey": "@@@@@" }, "twitter": { "accessToken": "@@@@@", "accessTokenSecret": "@@@@@", "consumerKey": "@@@@@", "consumerSecret": "@@@@@" } }, "cookie": { "secret": "UlTiMaTeSeCrEtKeY" }, "db": { "mongo": { "host": "localhost", "port": 27017, "username": null, "password": null, "db": "ultimate-seed" }, "redis": { "host": "localhost", "port": 6379, "password": null, "namespace": "ultimate-seed" } }, "log": { "_use": [ "console", "sns" ], "transport": { "console": { "level": "debug" }, "file": { "level": "error" }, "mongo": { "level": "error" }, "sns": { "level": "error", "subscriber": "@@@@@", "topicArn": "@@@@@" } } }, "mail": { "_use": "ses", "transport": { "ses": {}, "smtp": { "host": "@@@@@", "port": 25, "username": "@@@@@", "password": "@@@@@", "secure": false } } }, "session": { "_use": "mongo", "key": "sid", "secret": "UlTiMaTeSeCrEtKeY", "store": { "mongo": { "collection": "sessions" }, "redis": { "prefix": "ultimate-seed:sessions" } } }, "socketio": { "store": "redis" }, "storage": { "_use": "s3", "backend": { "cloudFiles": { "container": { "main": "@@@@@" } }, "s3": { "bucket": { "main": "@@@@@" } } } } } to: wrong arguments

debug: [app] app.config.session.store.mongo: { "collection": "sessions" } info: socket.io started Web server started on port:3000, no hostname specified [pid: 987]

Running "open:dev" (open) task [Error: Redis connection to localhost:6379 failed - connect ECONNREFUSED]

Running "watch" task Waiting...Warning: EMFILE: Too many opened files.

Running "watch" task Waiting...Warning: EMFILE, too many open files 'client/js'

Running "watch" task Waiting...Warning: EMFILE, too many open files 'client/js'

Running "watch" task Waiting...Warning: EMFILE, too many open files 'client/js'

Running "watch" task Waiting...Warning: EMFILE, too many open files 'client/js'

I already commented Redis in app.js, and change the config json file, but I am getting this . Please help!!

etamity commented 10 years ago

I sort out the warning problem, but after commented Redis, its still showing [Error: Redis connection to localhost:6379 failed - connect ECONNREFUSED]

etamity commented 10 years ago

app.run = function () { // Connect to DB ultimate.db.mongoose.connect(app.config.db.mongo); //ultimate.db.redis.connect(app.config.db.redis);

Kyii commented 10 years ago

you can see right here what to do: https://github.com/pilwon/ultimate-seed#how-do-i-fix-the-error-emfile-too-many-opened-files