Open torso70 opened 8 years ago
the outlier removal is based on the following method
Really interesting. I will test it. Eventually we can make this a bit more global in pimatic.
I like the idea and @Icesory is right, this would be very useful in other plugins / devices as well.
@torso70 Thank you very much for the implementation. We should get rid of the massive code dublication. Can you refactor the filtering to a single function? Maybe this could be implemented as an device config extension (like xLink, xOnLabel, ...).
I try to refactor it to a function but the coffeescript syntax drives me crazy... I usually develop in Java ;-)
@torso70 Any news on this one? We now have pimatic-filter which might be an alternative. Moreover, it is possible to provide an expression as part of the device configuration for post-processing temperature and humidity values.
added simple outlier removal for temperature and humidity values in HomeduinoDHTSensor and HomeduinoRFTemperature