pimatic / rfcontroljs

nodejs modul with protocol support for different 433mhz switches and weather stations for the RFControl Arduino library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for the wp515s doorbell protocol #101

Closed primatic closed 8 years ago

primatic commented 8 years ago

I reconstructed the protocol using a 433 receiver hooked up to the mic input of my computer to record the pulse sequences. From that I constructed the protocol.

Using the homeduino transmission works, but reception fails.

Using the simulate tool of the homeduino and protocol timing as 295, 590,295,590,295,590,295,590,295, 295,590,295,590,295,590,590,295,295,590,590,295,295,590,9864, 295, 590,295,590,295,590,295,590,295, 295,590,295,590,295,590,590,295,295,590,590,295,295,590,9864, ... reveals that it restarts detecting at rec_pos= 23 pack_pos= 23 duration= 2466 => restart package => start recoding

no clue why.... I did not do a deep dive into the homeduino code, but others seem to have problems with the current implementation of the doorbell3 protocol (for which a pull is still pending)

primatic commented 8 years ago

Well, since it somehow bothers me that I did not get it to work, I spent some time digging into it.... I changed the number of packets in RFControl.to be 16 or more (was 32), and with the protocol timings as listed above, simulate now says

Package are equal. result: 292 588 292 588 292 588 292 588 292 292 588 292 588 292 588 588 292 292 588 588 292 292 588 9864 compressed: 292 588 9864 0 0 0 0 0 t: 010101010010101100110012

seems that I found a piece of the puzzle.

primatic commented 8 years ago

after flashing the arduino whith the changed (RFControl.cpp) code .... in pimatic, enabled debug messages, hit the (physical) doorbell button and got a lot of these messages: debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 300 580 10228 0 0 0 0 0 01010101001010101100110012" debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 300, 580, 10220 ] 01010101001010101100110012

looks like reception of the protocol now succeeds

primatic commented 8 years ago

fix for doorbell3 test is part of pull request

mwittig commented 8 years ago

I think this one has been solved now. Please re-open if it is not the case or you whish to follow-up on this. Thanks